Tom Watson who tried to kill independent media has reappeared

  • Post last modified:July 4, 2024
  • Reading time:7 mins read

The former deputy leader of the Labour Party, Tom Watson, has been spotted out on the streets of Islington North, this evening, campaigning for Labour hopeful and opponent of Jeremy Corbyn, Praful Nargund.

Tom Watson: someone call the RSPCA

Rather than doing the decent thing and contact the RSPCA, an as yet unnamed individual captured this snap of a glowing, healthy looking Watson, gleefully clutching some Red Tory propaganda to shove in the faces of voters across the Islington North constituency:

Whilst many Canary readers will remember Watson as the mastermind of the ‘chicken coup’ — extensively covered at the time by the Canary — this particular columnist remembers Mr Watson as the Labour politician that appointed a ‘fake news tsar’ – essentially an establishment front that aimed to take down independent left-wing media, including the Canary and SKWAWKBOX — both of whom would routinely castigate the saboteurs on the right-wing of the Labour Party, their contempt for democracy, and most critically, their absolute support for Jeremy Corbyn.

Watson will be remembered for many other reasons, of course, and the left took to social media to remind the voters of Islington North exactly why the appearance of Tom Watson isn’t quite the winner the Labourites think it is.

X user Saul Staniforth was quick to point out the unforgettable time the former deputy leader of the Labour Party PRAISED former Tory Health Secretary and Kangaroo penis eater, Matt Hancock for his handling of the Covid-19 pandemic:

Also on X, Red Collective wondered just how desperate you need to be to drag Tom Watson away from the treadmill to stuff a few shitty leaflets through voters letterboxes.

Trying – and failing – to kill the Canary

Watson’s fake news tsar, the former MP, Michael Dugher, was predictably about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike, and Watson’s dastardly scheme to cancel the Canary never came about.

You probably worked out that last bit for yourself.

Fake news sites on the internet have been around long before 2016, when Watson launched his own witch hunt in an attempt to stifle his own critics, and they are mostly concentrated on social media.

But eight years on from Watson’s attack on independent media, the printed press remain the greatest spoon-feeders of establishment lies.

So, what was the point of that, Tom?

Then again, what was the point of Tom Watson?

Featured image via the Canary

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