Corbyn launches general election campaign low budget but hopeful

  • Post last modified:May 30, 2024
  • Reading time:11 mins read

Four years on from the Labour Party’s betrayal, Jeremy Corbyn has launched his general election campaign to stand as an independent MP. After 14 years of Tory misery, it was what a lot of people needed to hear. 

With over 53,000 people watching on X alone, his message to Islington North and presumably much further afield was ‘never be afraid to hope’:

For years Corbyn has been providing hope to the many. In 2019 he showed us that there was a kinder, gentler way. He was hated for standing up for what was right. It seems he’s not afraid to be that person again.

People want their voices to be heard

As he so rightly pointed out, politics should be about hearing the voices of those who have been silenced. Instead we have a system that shuts down dissent and disagreement, while disenfranchising people. 

Corbyn mentioned many things that provided hope. From Palestine, of which he is a staunch supporter, to poverty and racism – also mentioning his backing of Diane Abbott:

Whilst there were a few technical issues and it was clearly a low-budget event – if anything that only added to the community feel. Money and power clearly aren’t his jam in this general election:

As expected, the Zionists and Starmerites were out in force on X, but Corbyn’s message still hit home:

Corbyn: ‘doing what you believe to be right’

Corbyn has always been a man of the people. We saw in 2019 how he stood up against the elite, tried to warn the country about the selling off of the NHS, and his promise to renationalise key industries. He still stands by those policies and he is clearly only concerned with doing the right thing:

As he pointed out – there has never been greater inequality than we currently have in the UK. Over 3.5 million people rely on food banks. Meanwhile, we have more billionaires than ever before. We also have a culture of mainstream journalists that are fucking both the super rich, and the politicians. 

Corbyn said:

I see the wealth of the billionaire created by the poverty of those that are queuing up at the food bank.

He however, wants to be on the right side of history: 

Since the election was announced, we have seen both the Tories and Labour’s complete ignorance when it comes to disabled people. Corbyn highlighted the indignity of current Work Capability Assessments and inhumane sanctions put in place by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). So far, he seems to be the only candidate to make any mention of disabled people in their campaign launch. 

Private sector parasites

Whilst the Tories are okay with homelessness levels rising faster than the oceans around our melting ice caps, Corbyn is not:

Housing for all is a human right.

And on Thames water? The promise to bring it back into public ownership:

There may well be parasites in the Thames water supply but I certainly know there are parasites on the board of the Thames water company.

Corbyn has always been a voice for peace, and he pledged to continue that:

Real security isnt the ability to kill your neighbour. It’s the ability to get along with your neighbour.

Other key campaign points included: 

  • Fair wages and working conditions.
  • Fighting the two child benefit cap.
  • Rent controls for the private rented sector.
  • A commitment to the green industrial revolution.
  • Doing the right thing for young people.

Obviously, he finished rather poignantly with:

Never be afraid to hope. Never be embarrassed to be inspired by music, poetry, songs, engineering. Think big and think that our young people deserve a world fit for them.

As the Canary reported only a few days ago, Corbyn has a great chance of winning the seat in Islington North at the general election.

However, the Greens could really help him out – by showing us they are serious about country-before-politics – and standing aside:

Feature image via Jeremy Corbyn/YouTube

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