Shockat Adam tells the Canary it was a people’s campaign

  • Post last modified:July 5, 2024
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Shockat Adam is a health worker who campaigned and WON as an independent candidate in Leicester South, against the awful Jon Ashworth. He previously insisted to the Canary that:

This is not my campaign. This is Leicester South’s campaign… We built a team… 90% of these are volunteers, from the community, young and old.

Labour’s Ashworth, on the other hand, has been dismal on Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza, much like others in Keir Starmer’s top team. He has even tried to accuse people holding him to account for his and his party’s position on the genocide of bullying and intimidating him. But this is a matter that local people care about. And they are tired of politicians like Ashworth just ignoring them.

Speaking to the Canary on election day 2024, Shockat Adam insisted:

One of my motives for standing in this election was to ensure that those in our community that feel disenfranchised… should become engaged and be a change that they want to see.

He added that:

The enthusiasm for people to be part of something – a movement – has been absolutely incredible. And win, draw, or lose later on today, that has been a success that hopefully we can build on.

And he said:

It’s been an extremely motivating, energising, and inspiring campaign.

Clearly, Shockat Adam’s campaign and message resonated – as he’s now the MP for Leicester South. The whole Canary team sends its congratulations:

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