Reform Party candidate thinks airports a problem for immigration

  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024
  • Reading time:16 mins read

The general election campaign kerfuffle continues in full swing, and a flashy new three-word political slogan may have just dropped. One ‘high-calibre’ MP candidate all but belted out what could be the UK’s next big tryptic in a media interview: “stop the planes” anyone?

Unfortunately, the said candidate wasn’t referring to halting the racist Rwanda deportations. Instead, Reform Party flunky George Woodward, standing for Leigh in Greater Manchester opined on immigration at the border. What border immigration you might ask? The kind you find at the airport, apparently.

In fairness to Woodward, “stop the boats” was already taken.

Reform Party candidate’s airport awakening

In an interviews with the News Agents’ Lewis Goodall, a Reform Party candidate blurted out the most Reform statement yet this general election.

Goodall traipsed around Leigh, in Greater Manchester with Reform Party canvassers and MP candidate George Woodward. Woodward explained his newfound activism with Reform, but then detailed the most ludicrous political awakening origin story ever spilled to the media (probably).

Naturally, it started out where all Reform goons do – whining on immigration. Then, the story took an unexpected turn. He told Goodall that:

I had a moment last year, I was coming through an airport and I was at the arrivals, you know, the British border. And I was like, wow, you know, there’s a lot of people coming in here and we need to reexamine this.

That’s right, Woodward’s inciting incident was, as he put plainly, migration in UK airport arrival lounges.

Goodall, realising he’d struck comedy gold first simply responded:

What, at the airport?

After that, he pushed Woodward to elaborate, stating:

Lots of those are probably tourists, presumably. Or British people coming back from abroad.

Following this, careful not to say the quiet part out loud, Woodward said:

Some of them yeah. Some absolutely. Some not. So you can tell.

This sparked a comic furore on X:

People on X also pulled him up on his blatant racial profiling:

Bylines Network founder Mike Galsworthy and others also pointed out that it’s confirmation bias 101:

Suckered by charlatans

Moreover, Woodward’s racism-mongering airport gaffe was one thing, but his reply to another question exposed him as the spiteful Farage-clone hate-goblin he is. Notably, Goodall conducted the interview with a lady out canvassing for Woodward.

In the clip the News Agents posted on X, the Reform canvasser leapt into a racist tirade. The Farage-fawning Wigan nan launched into the ol’ ‘Great Replacement Theory‘ rightwing conspiracist chestnut. That is, have you heard – with all this immigration, white British folks are gonna be a minority in a town near you soon?

Of course, the narrative is right out of the Farage playbook, with the rightwing wannabe MP peddling this bunk concept for years.

Throughout, Woodward looked gormlessly on. One poster on X thought she caught him squirming as the canvasser spoke:

Afterwards, Goodall pressed Woodward on his responsibility to “assuage” this “ethnic tension” and he replied that:

On occasion, yes, we have to disagree on little things like that. And on occasion, yeah, I do step in and correct them.”

Goodall proceeded to probe him, asking:

But you’re not worried about being outnumbered?

In a ham-faced, mask-slip moment Woodward told Goodall, “no” without skipping a beat. In other words, the Reform candidate doesn’t actually believe the racist drivel frothing out of his gammon leader’s mouth. Contrary, it appears, to some other Reform candidates.

That might be because, as some pointed out on X, the hard facts obviously show quite the opposite:

And Woodward has a doctorate, didn’t you know? (Though Mr “at the airport” could have fooled me.)

However, the problem is – many of the party’s members evidently do believe it. Shamelessly, Woodward, like Farage, has been preying on this. In other words, Farage, the biggest grifter going, is inflaming this type of illiterate Islamophobic dross. Now, every white person in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland has a suckered relative like (totally not) racist nan from Wigan:

Former Green Party councillor Rosemary Sexton said it as it is:

Reform racists clamouring for votes

Because ultimately, politicians spewing racist bullshit for votes and their loyal gutter-press is precisely why we have people like this hitting the campaign trail this election:

Time to get rid of Farage fan-blog ‘Gammon Britain News’ (GB News) now right? RIGHT?

After all, stoking hate through fearmongering garbage is what trash politicians like Farage and Reform do best:

Stoking hatred and sewing division

Some on X highlighted that it’s obviously Farage and his Brexit brigade that has fucked over poor communities the nation-over:

We’re still waiting on those Brexit dividends Mr Farage. Of course, in reality, the UK public is actually thousands of pounds worse off a year.

Still, it hasn’t stopped his political vanity project from whipping up the racial division of the working class:

Call them out

However, some posters on X pointed out that the canvasser’s Isamophobic remarks shouldn’t just be swept under the rug either:

In short, it’s easy to brush her rancid rant aside as a fringe viewpoint. However, if this interview proved anything, it’s that the UK still has a rotten, racist underbelly. And at this election, it’s everyone’s responsibility to call this out. If there’s one thing that should unite the nation, it’s kicking “at the airport” Woodward and race-baiting ‘bloke in the pub’ Nigey to the curb on 4 July.

Feature image via the News Agents – X

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