Palestine Action target Barclays again over Elbit/Israel complicity

  • Post last modified:August 5, 2024
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Palestine Action has targeted a branch of Barclays over the bank’s complicity in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza – showing when it is appropriate to smash corporate-owned stuff up.

Palestine Action: back to Barclays it goes

Several activists from Palestine Action targeted a Barclays branch in Burnley on Monday 5 August, over the banks shareholdings in Israel’s biggest weapons producer, Elbit Systems:

The group had smashed windows and covered the premises in red paint, symbolising the bank’s complicity in the Gaza genocide:

Palestine Action BarclaysPalestine Action Barclays

It came after more action from the group last week.

As the Canary previously reported, on Wednesday 31 July, Palestine Action celebrated its birthday by forcing Elbit’s UAV Engines factory in Shenstone to close down. Not to be discouraged by cops arresting those actionists, another group from Palestine Action arrived at the site on Thursday 1 August to shut the factory down for a second day in a row. This time, a caravan was part of the blockade.

Elbit and Barclays: peas in a genocidal pod

Elbit Systems provide 85% of Israel’s military drone fleet and land based equipment, as well as missiles, ammunition and digital warfare. In response to the ongoing Gaza genocide, Elbit’s CEO Bezhalel Machlis says the weapons maker has “ramped up production”.

Last week, Elbit was rewarded a contract to supply thousands of artillery shells to the Israeli military, who have killed or injured over 130,000 Palestinians since October 8th.

Palestine Action has repeatedly targeted Barclays over their complicity in genocide, demanding they divest from Elbit. This culminated in over 20 branches being hit by in a single night in June. This included the Bradford and Bolton branches on 3 June, where activists left windows smashed and sprayed the banks red.

Barclays Bank holds over £1bn in shares and provides over £3bn in loans and underwriting to nine companies whose weapons, components, and military technology are being used by Israel in its genocidal attacks on Palestinians.

Amongst Barclays £3bn investments and loans in companies facilitating the Gaza genocide, the bank holds shares in Elbit Systems

A Palestine Action spokesperson said:

Palestine Action will continue to make investing in Israel’s biggest weapons producer an unattractive investment. As Barclays reduce Palestinian lives to profits on their balance sheet, it’s important they understand the cost associated with funding genocide.

Featured image and additional images via Neil Terry

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