Oxford Circus hit by Youth Demand flash protest over Israel

  • Post last modified:June 22, 2024
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Hundreds of Youth Demand supporters blocked Oxford Circus, London to demand a two-way arms embargo on Israel and for the incoming UK government to halt all new oil and gas licences granted since 2021.

Youth Demand: bringing central London to a standstill

At around 12pm on Saturday 22 June, a large group of Youth Demand supporters gathered at Victoria Embankment Gardens. The group heard speeches and held a people’s assembly – a deliberative discussion about the crisis and what to do about it:

The group then dispersed, with groups marching through central London before reconvening at Oxford Circus, at around 2:50pm:

Of course, Youth Demand did previously warn it would be disrupting London each Saturday. As the Canary previously reported, the group gave the UK government one week from 23 May to stop all arms licences to Israel. Spain, Canada, Belgium, Italy, and the Netherlands have all paused arms licenses or shipments to Israel over fears that they may be used in violation of international humanitarian law.

That deadline passed – and now Youth Demand are acting, starting at Oxford Circus.

One of those taking action at Oxford Circus was Poppy Jabelman, 23, a human geography student from Exeter who said:

We’re demanding a two way arms embargo with Israel, as it’s appalling that the UK is still providing the bombs being dropped on starving people forced into refugee camps in Palestine. Each of the over 37,000 people brutally murdered had dreams, families and futures.”

Meanwhile Keir Starmer still refuses to call it what it is: genocide. Labour are set to win the general election with an unprecedented landslide, but this is no cause for celebration whilst they are complicit in the murder of children. The Youth Demand better! If you’ve similarly lost faith in our broken political system, and are outraged by the crimes against humanity we’re witnessing, head to youthdemand.org to sign up for action.

“We deserve better”

Another of those taking action at Oxford Circus was Violet Powell, 23, a student from Leeds who said:

Our country is complicit in genocide. Both major parties refuse to acknowledge the horrors they’re enabling or to call for an arms embargo on Israel. What good is voting when the outcome is the same? For a future to be liveable, and to not have regrets, I must take action now. I couldn’t live with myself otherwise. Join us for a week of action in Central London from the 13th-20th July.

The group said in a statement:

Young people will not accept a political system bought by weapons manufacturers, oil oligarchs and media barons. We deserve better. Young people all over the country are coming together to resist. Youth Demand will be taking action in Central London from the 13th-20th July.

Join us at https://youthdemand.org.

Featured image and additional images via Youth Demand

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