of race riots & resistance

  • Post last modified:August 11, 2024
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Let’s call it exactly what it is. Far-right racist, Islamophobic terrorism and race riots.

Filipino nurses attacked, an Asian man stabbed at a train station, mosques under siege, a Muslim bus driver racially abused in London, and businesses destroyed by gangs of fascist, feral thugs. Once peaceful communities are now fearing for their safety as hoards of poster children for pro-choice roam the streets, spilling cans of Stella down the front of their In-ger-land football shirts.

The suitless Farage, Tommy Robinson, was absolutely right when he claimed “none of us are feeling safe in our own country, in our own towns”.

Except it is our communities that are in danger of a visit from his brainless bunch of follicly-challenged far-right thugs.

Questions, questions, questions

Why does ‘Robinson’ even begin to think of Britain as his own country anyway? Correct me if I’m wrong, but the poisonous hate goblin with the charm and scent of an unflushed toilet after an £8 Wetherspoons curry night seems more Israel first than Britain first these days.

Whoever thought that “taking back our country” would involve brazenly stealing something that someone else has worked hard for? Only a far-right imbecile whose only tangible purpose in life is to be an organ donor.

What kind of crayon-wielding twat would think “protecting our women and children” would involve setting fire to a budget hotel that is housing… yep, you guessed it… women and children? An inadequate lump of Islamophobic, racist pig shit.

And why oh why would anyone in their right mind loot a fucking Greggs for a steak bake when you can get a meal deal in Tesco for £3.50?

I think I’m supposed to suggest the occasional answer in my columns, so please do forgive me for the barrage of questions because I’m struggling to understand how these far-right thugs with the room temperature IQ actually manage to go about their days without endangering themselves and the people around them.

Swindon: ‘give us are cuntry back’

This past Wednesday was an interesting day in Swindon (enter joke here folks).

Local social media was alight with the news of the fash making their way to sleepy Swindon for one of these “give us are cuntry back” gatherings. Shops closed early, the shutters went down on some business fronts, but the vast majority of us that don’t believe everything that we read on Facebook just went about our days.

Was it the THIRTEEN Swindonian Greggs outlets that tempted Tommy’s trash to the northern part of the Islamic republic of… erm… Wiltshire?

Perhaps the grubby little cue-ball bonced Faragists wanted to take on the extreme challenge of crossing Swindon’s infamous Magic Roundabout without getting stampeded by both of Swindon Town’s fans?

But for the second time in just five days, the gammon stayed under the grill, Swindon’s anti-racist protestors stood in solidarity, and not a single Andrew Tate Stan was to be seen or heard.

Your race riots have no place here

And as the week progressed, this became a recurring theme as tens-of-thousands of anti-racist demonstrators filled the streets of England to defend the values of tolerance, compassion, and not kicking the shit out of someone on the say-so of these self-styled right-wing “influencers”.

This is what we love to see. Solidarity amongst the people. We will not be cowed, we will not let them win. We’ve been through austerity and Covid together in recent years. We have helplessly witnessed a brutal live-streamed genocide. As if we are ever going to let these chronic malcontents even begin to dictate our way of life.

The hatred and venom we have seen pouring on to the streets has no place here. For every sexually frustrated far-right rioter with the pineapple cube body odour are a thousand decent, caring, anti-racist humans that couldn’t care less what colour your skin is or what god you choose to pray to.

Why would we? Haven’t we got enough struggles going on in our own lives already? How insecure must these flag-wielding idiots actually be to be consumed with so much hatred for our family, friends, and neighbours?

The power of the people must continue

Anti-racist and anti-fascist isn’t a special name you can band about for a couple of weeks for a few likes. It is a non-negotiable default position that you pick up from the moment you know the difference between right and wrong.

The small-boat-obsessed Daily Mailhistorically the establishment’s most fervently anti-refugee tabloid — has spent decades whipping up hatred towards ethnic minorities and those seeking sanctuary on our shores.

But even they were forced to ironically and hypocritically celebrate the sight of thousands upon thousands of people from all walks of life that had turned out to counter-protest the handful of pond life that was intent on wreaking havoc in our communities.

The power of the people has won through. Useless Starmer might have the podium, and the Mail may well have the platform, but we’ve got the people, and the people united, will never be defeated.

No more race riots. Never again.

Again, I would urge the prime minister to proscribe the Patriotic Alternative, Robinson, and all those intent on spreading misinformation and disinformation.

Farage needs to face a full police investigation regarding his ‘they’re not telling us something’ comment, and be charged with incitement to violence.

And the punishment for the seven hundred or so egg head fash that have been arrested for their part in this deeply troubling episode must be severe enough to act as a deterrent against potential future race riots.

Locking up climate activists for five years while giving a brick-throwing hoodlum a slap on the wrist for a bit of racist terrorism doesn’t sit well with me.

If we are to put the fascist far-right in history’s dustbin, let us do it now.

Let’s not wait five years to see how they get on at the next election. Let’s not wait for further race riots in our communities.

Let’s do it now.

Featured image via Rachael Swindon

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