Corbyn not only indy candidate who could win at general election

  • Post last modified:May 24, 2024
  • Reading time:3 mins read

The following article is a comment piece from the Peace and Justice Project

It’s confirmed! Jeremy Corbyn is standing as an independent candidate in Islington North at the general election on 4 July.

Jeremy has proudly represented his constituency for over 40 years and has built a reputation as a committed local member of parliament who stands up for democracy, equality, and peace.

In the past, Jeremy has been elected as a Labour MP on huge majorities. But this general election will be different. He is running as an independent candidate without major party support, so it is absolutely vital that we get organised and mobilise our movement to get him re-elected.

We believe that Jeremy will win, but it won’t be easy. That is why we’re asking for your help.

You can sign up here to help Corbyn win in Islington North.

Watch Corbyn’s video below, explaining what he stands for, and share the video widely:

But it’s not just Jeremy who is standing up against the political establishment and the despicable suffering inflicted on our country.

The Collective is a political grouping organising campaigns around the Peace and Justice Project’s 5 Demands to build a real alternative to the misery faced by millions.

The Collective includes Andrew Feinstein in Holborn and St Pancras, Pamela Fitzpatrick in Harrow West, and Leanne Mohamad in Ilford North.

With the Conservatives in government and Labour in opposition, it has become clear that neither has the policies or political will to bring about real change or an alternative to the misery faced by millions – but our movement does.

With Jeremy Corbyn and the Collective, we will build hope for the many.

Featured image via the Canary

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