new NHS advisor earned millions from private healthcare

  • Post last modified:July 16, 2024
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Alan Milburn, the guy set to be heading Wes Streeting’s NHS reform under the new Keir Starmer-led Labour Party government appears to have his fingers in many different private healthcare pies – meaning he has had a very profitable few years:

Milburn is a former health secretary and MP for Darlington from 1992 to 2010. Thanks to independent journalism from Peter Geoghegan at Democracy for Sale, we know that his company, AM Strategy, has just one employee and more than £4.9m in the bank. In total the company has paid out £8.36m to Milburn and his family since 2016:

You can read Geoghegan’s full investigation here.

We knew the Tories would continue to privatise the NHS if they stayed in power. But, it seems the Canary’s warnings about Labour doing the same should NOT have been taken with a pinch of salt. In fact, no salt needed:

Actions speak louder than words

Many people are concerned that his financial interests completely contradict the principles of a public healthcare system. Only last week, new health secretary Wes ‘on a ship’ Streeting assured us that the NHS would remain free at the point of use:

Clearly, companies paid to advise on NHS reform are going to profit from that very same reform. Is there any surprise that the companies being consulted are former government ministers and no doubt pals with our new prime minister?

Milburn is already an expert in outsourcing NHS services to private companies. As Geoghegan wrote for Democracy for Sale:

Milburn has a number of private healthcare interests. He chairs PricewaterhouseCooper’s ‘health industries oversight’ board, which was set up to expand the accountancy firm’s business interests in public and private healthcare.

Milburn is also a senior advisor to private equity group Bridgepoint Capital, which owns one of England’s largest external providers of NHS services and a large care home chain. He has also advised confectioner Mars Incorporated and been chair of US private healthcare giant Centene’s Spanish subsidiary, Ribera Salud.

Maybe part of NHS reform will be only providing confectionary made by Mars Incorporated. A Mars bar a day might keep the government in the pockets of their corrupt private health care cronies – as the saying now seemingly goes.

Political corruption?

During the Covid pandemic we saw the Tories throw cash directly at their pals for dodgy PPE contracts. Just because Labour are labelling it as NHS reform and it’s wearing a red tie – doesn’t mean it’s not political corruption:

Labour is already lining up their corporate buddies to head up its so-called NHS reforms. Alan Milburn’s appointment seems to prove what the Canary and other independent media outlets have been warning all along. The UK’s public healthcare institution is not safe in Starmer’s grubby hands.

Feature image via Channel 4 News/Youtube

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