Green Party not standing down in Islington North

  • Post last modified:May 29, 2024
  • Reading time:10 mins read

On Saturday 25 May, Stats for Lefties announced that Jeremy Corbyn is likely to be re-elected in Islington North at the general election, according to their early polling – with the Green Party coming in fourth:

Jeremy Corbyn: the Green Party seemed to like him…

Obviously, this is great news for those of us who know what a kind and principled man Corbyn is. However, the margin is small and could easily change before election day. People were quick to point out that the Greens could simply stand down. This would give Corbyn a much healthier margin. It would also ensure the Labour candidate – Praful Nargund, who runs a private IVF firm – doesn’t win the seat:

Zack Polanski, Green Party deputy leader of England and Wales was recently interviewed by The London Economic.  He said that the Green Party could provide a home for those who felt politically homeless after losing Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of the Labour Party. He also talked about the things he and Corbyn agree on. Most interestingly however, was the following quote taken directly from the interview: 

Does it surprise me that Keir Starmer is going back on these things, or as a human rights lawyer, he doesn’t seem to be standing for the right things? No, because I think Jeremy Corbyn was roughly in the right place on all those those things.

This gives you even more reason to think that the Green’s would want to stand down their candidate – Sheridan Kates, and endorse Corbyn:

Stand down, please

The Green Party is aiming to stand a candidate in every seat at this year’s election, which was voted for at their conference by party members. However, we have seen candidates stepping down before in order to avoid splitting the vote. Back in 2019, Liberal Democrat candidate Tim Walker stood down to protect the seat from the Tories – so it’s not implausible.  

It seems though, that the Greens are just being a pain in the arse because their policy clearly states

As a party we are always open to nationally agreed deals between parties

There is literally nothing preventing them from backing down and supporting Corbyn:

Why stand against allies?

The Islington Tribune revealed that the Green Party isn’t hopeful of winning and are also mindful of taking Corbyn’s votes. So why don’t they make the decision to stand down? The Green Party told candidate Sheridan Kates to:

encourage all Islington North residents to vote Green or Independent.

However, this could split the vote and any die hard green voters could take votes away from Corbyn. Surely keeping the seat from Labour is more important than proving a political point?

Many even suggested they would quickly lose respect for the Greens if they continue contesting the seat. Even if they didn’t put in any serious effort:

There is a similar feeling about Holborn and St Pancras, where Andrew Feinstein is standing as an independent against Keir Starmer. 

Now is the time for the Green Party to show the UK that they mean business. Are they willing to put the best interests of the country ahead of the party? Keeping the seat from Labour is in everyone’s best interests, so now is their time to act.

Feature image via the Canary

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