David Evans praised by centre-right says it all about him

  • Post last modified:September 3, 2024
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Labour Party general secretary David Evans is to stand down from his position after conference season:

To the Starmerroids and centrist mums and dads, he has been central to the ‘rebirth’ of the party and its electoral success. To the rest of us, he is a capitalist stooge who has broken democracy in Labour and entrenched the centre-right’s grip on the party.

David Evans: popular with Zionist shitlords

David Evans, who assumed the role of general secretary of the Labour Party in May 2020, has had a tenure marked by significant controversy and internal strife. Appointed by Labour leader Keir Starmer, Evans’ role has been critical in shaping the party’s centre-right direction. However, his leadership has not been without its share of scandals, many of which have intensified the ideological divisions within the party.

Before becoming general secretary, Evans had a long history with the Labour Party, having previously worked as assistant general secretary under Tony Blair. His appointment by Starmer was widely seen as a move to consolidate centre-right control over the party’s apparatus and steer it away from the left-wing policies associated with Jeremy Corbyn.

So, far many his departure is a sad moment. Among those is ‘Zionist shitlord’ himself Luke Akehurst:

But as someone pointed out, Corbyn left Labour with plenty of cash:

One of the most significant and contentious issues during Evans’ tenure has been antisemitism within the Labour Party. Evans cemented the false notion that Labour was riddled with it – and that Jeremy Corbyn was a raging racist antisemite.

In particular, the suspension of Jeremy Corbyn from the party, following his comments on the EHRC report, sparked outrage among his supporters and intensified the party’s internal divisions. Then there was the Forde Report – dismissed by the party – that found institutional racism in Labour and a weaponising of antisemitism.

The Labour Purge

All this came against a backdrop of the continuing Labour ‘purge’ – where David Evans’s henchpeople were suspending left-wing members, Constituency Labour Parties (CLPs), and as we saw at the general election, deselecting left-wing candidates.

Evans’s intentional smashing of democracy and the left wing of the party alienated a significant portion of the membership, leading to accusations that he corrupted the party’s democratic processes.

Authoritarian and an attempt to silence the grassroots of the party would be an understatement. Many members saw this as an overreach of the general secretary’s powers and as a way to stifle debate and prevent the expression of dissenting views. The suspension of CLP meetings has led to widespread dissatisfaction and has fueled claims that Evans is part of a broader effort by the party’s leadership to centralize power and marginalize the left wing.

Of course, this suits some people:

David Evans has also faced allegations of mismanagement concerning party staff. Reports have emerged of staff being dismissed or forced out under controversial circumstances, leading to claims of a toxic working environment within Labour’s headquarters. Some have accused Evans of creating a culture of fear and intimidation, where staff feel unable to express their opinions or challenge decisions.

David Evans: off you fuck

Or maybe, just maybe, he’s resigning because of this:

Either way, David Evans’s tenure has been one of disgrace for many – but a success for the centre-right of the party. Anyone with an ounce of scruples will not mourn his metaphorical passing. Good riddance, the Canary says.

Featured image via the Canary

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