three weeks of jaw-droppingly duplicitous foreign policy

  • Post last modified:July 28, 2024
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Well blow me down with a feather. It has taken less than three weeks of a Labour Party government to confirm that no matter which group of elites we are lumbered with for at least the next five years, child poverty is a political choice.

For those who are not paying even the slightest bit of attention at the back, Keir Starmer will stop at absolutely nothing to achieve his personal agenda.

Welcome to Labour: jaw-droppingly duplicitous foreign policy

There’s no point telling me about “difficult decisions” and the old Tory favourite, “living within our means”, when it’s not such a difficult decision to send billions and billions of pounds to a regime in a state that is described by NBC as having a “genuine Nazi problem – both past and present”.

I was pleased to see the restoration of the critical funding to UNRWA, this past week.

The new Foreign Secretary — a bought and paid for narcissist that enjoys grandstanding for photo opportunities with genocidal maniacs — described the move as a “moral necessity in the face of such a catastrophe”.

But what does Mr Lammy have to say regarding the murder of 200 of UNRWA’s staff, mercilessly targeted by the Israeli killing machine, and now declared a terrorist entity?

Not a word.

Fucking coward.

Lammy thinks nobody will notice his jaw-dropping duplicity and his fervent support for the pariah state of Israel.

We notice. We won’t stop noticing.

Lammy’s double-standards are well practiced and easily found. I mean, if I can tap a few words into my search engine, pretty much anyone can.

For example:

Sorry, Lammy – what was that?

In July 2016, Mr Lammy told parliament he could not vote to renew Britain’s nuclear-armed submarines because of his Christian faith:

I stand here first and foremost as a Christian and it’s from that perspective that I speak.

I stand united with Pope Benedict XVI when he said ‘in a nuclear war there would be no victors, only victims”.

The idea of loving thy neighbour and protecting our world for future generations simply cannot hold if we have stockpiles of weapons that will destroy our neighbours and destroy our world for future generations.

Not only do nuclear weapons contradict religious principles, any form of international relations based on the threat of mutual destruction is totally contradictory to the preamble of Article 1 of the United Nations Charter.

Pretty impressive waffle, Mr Lammy, such a shame you didn’t mean a single word of it. What is it with political god botherers?

Skip forward just six years and David Lammy proudly told the Telegraph:

Just as Bevan built the NHS to be the heart of Atlee’s Labour, so Ernst Bevin helped found NATO and established our nuclear programme to be its strong arm.

This is Labour’s heritage.

My commitment to NATO and the UK’s nuclear deterrent is unshakeable.

So what the actual king of all fucks happened over those six years to make Bilderberg-attendee David Lammy go from praising the Lord to nuking the fucking world?

Two variants of the same virus

Let’s be clear: nobody with just an iota of common sense was expecting Starmer’s Labour government to be anything other than remarkably similar to the Tories of 2010 – 2024.

If the Tories were SARS-CoV-2, this Labour government is Omicron.

What I find baffling is how long Labour had in opposition to develop a cohesive strategy and come up with the right answers to the two-child benefit cap, yet within hours of taking office they’re needing to hold an internal inquiry as to how they are going to deal with it.

Furthermore, the Labour Party, from root to branch, is fully aware the cap is a morally reprehensible policy from the days of Tory austerity that directly impacts some of the poorest children in the country.

But Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves don’t really care about any of that minor detail. They want to demonstrate their power to the supportive Murdoch media empire.

Opposing the view held by a majority of the Labour Party wasn’t accidental. Starmer and Reeves wanted to prove how they can “balance the books”, and they were more than willing to immediately face down and suspend any dissenters, just to prove they really are “changed”.

Not all change is for the better

Not all change is for the good. Even more so when the change we seek doesn’t look anything like the change that was forced upon us by just 34% of the overall vote share — some 6% less than the 40% achieved by Corbyn’s Labour in 2017 against the backdrop of a pernicious campaign of smears, slurs, and downright lies.

How typically vile and dishonest of the Starmer regime to sacrifice impoverished children upon the altar of establishment media approval.

It was only five years ago that Keir Starmer made those trashed ten pledges along with a promise to make the “moral case for socialism”.

So here’s a challenge for you, Labour supporters. Show me how Starmer has made the moral case for socialism, not only in government but also in opposition.

If Starmer wants to understand what socialism looks like he only has to think back to the creation of the welfare state, the building of an unprecedented number of new council houses, and the birth of our National Health Service. These are examples of socialism in action that Keir Starmer will never embrace. They call it a “far-left” ideology, apparently.

Do you honestly see a Prime Minister when you look at Keir Starmer?

Dishonest dog whistler

When I look at Keir Starmer I see a dishonest, dog-whistling persecutor with the charisma of a tin of Spam that has successfully coasted into power on the crest of a wave of anti-Tory sentiment.

The media – spoon-feeders-in-chief of neoliberalism throughout most of our lifetimes – have Keir Starmer exactly where they want him.

The length of Starmer’s honeymoon period is entirely in their grubby hands. If they like the tone of his anti-refugee, anti-poor, pro-capitalist rhetoric, there is absolutely no reason for them to cease pretending the new Prime Minister is the greatest Labour leader since Clement Attlee.

The first 24 days of this depressingly familiar Labour government — fortuitously gifted principle-free power by a dramatic, but entirely predictable collapse in the Tory vote, and the emergence of the Reform hatemongers — hasn’t given us any cause for optimism whatsoever.

Although if your ideology is centred around allowing hundreds of thousands of children to languish in destitution and poverty while making sure the Azov Battalion is sorted for guns and bombs, you’re probably quietly satisfied with the dross being served up by servile Starmer and his lobbyist-funded freeloaders.

You would also probably approve of Labour whips attempting to bribe now-independent MP Apsana Begum — suspended by Starmer for refusing to vote against an SNP attempt to force him to end the deeply cruel two-child benefit cap — by supporting her proposed legislation to protect victims of partner violence, providing she agreed to vote how Starmer wanted her to vote.

Labour: the barrel bottom, scraped

Starmer’s shameless Labour enforcers are fully aware of the importance of proposed domestic violence legislation, particularly to a woman that suffered at the hands of her ex-husband, but there is no barrel-bottom that is safe from a Starmer scraping.

If you needed any further evidence that the Labour Party is no longer a progressive vehicle for societal change, then look no further than the government of today.

Featured image via Rachael Swindon

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