Islington North: Labour panic-pushing activists in

  • Post last modified:July 4, 2024
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Is the Labour Party panicking in Jeremy Corbyn’s seat of Islington North? Because according to some, that’s precisely what’s happening right now. There are reports of the party pushing large numbers of activists into the constituency on general election day in a last-ditch attempt to defeat Corbyn.

Islington North: THE battle of the general election?

The Islington North election is apparently too close to call. Mindbogglingly, previous polls put longstanding MP Jeremy Corbyn behind the dodgy millionaire healthcare profiteer that Labour chose to challenge him. This is despite mass support in the community for Corbyn and even local Labour officers, members, and reps breaking rank to support him.

Dr Louise Raw suggested that Labour looked “worried” because:

they’re panic-pushing vast numbers of activists to ISLINGTON NORTH as we speak.

Babble, meanwhile, said:

Word on the street is that Labour is re-directing activists from across London to Islington North. We NEED your help to beat the machine, let’s show them what people power really looks like!

And one example of a big Labour name coming to the constituency in an attempt to sway voters against their interests was former deputy leader Tom Watson, whose judgement Saul Staniforth saidhas always been dodgy”. As Sunday Times journalist Gabriel Pogrund posted:

Labour even apparently lied to one resident in an attempt to get their vote:

Others also reported on Labour shenanigans in the constituency:

And when you compare Labour’s behaviour in Islington against someone who has served the party with integrity for decades with its behaviour elsewhere, it seems even more despicable. Its treatment of its own Black candidate in Clacton Jovan Owusu-Nepaul where Nigel Farage is hoping to win, was particularly awful.

With just hours to go – does the Labour Party know something about the result in Islington North that the rest of us don’t? We’ll find out in the early hours of Friday morning.

Featured image via the Canary

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