Workers Party slams Labour manifesto as a “betrayal”

  • Post last modified:June 16, 2024
  • Reading time:5 mins read

The Workers Party and George Galloway have slammed Labour’s manifesto for the general election as a “betrayal” of working-class people, filled with “half-measures” that lack “ambition”. It comes as the party is standing candidates across the country, and Galloway defends his seat in Rochdale.

Galloway: Labour’s manifesto a “betrayal”

The Workers Party of Great Britain said in a press release that it has “thoroughly reviewed” the Labour Party’s 2024 manifesto and found it “severely lacking in ambition and vision for the future of working people in Britain”.

It noted that the party was “once the bastion of working people”. However, it said that under Starmer’s it “has shown itself to be a mere shadow of its former self, peddling half-measures and neoliberal platitudes”.

George Galloway stated:

The 2024 manifesto is nothing short of a betrayal to the working people of Britain. Their proposals lack the depth and courage to tackle our country’s real issues. From wealth inequality to healthcare, housing, and foreign policy, Labour continues to offer half-measures that fail to address the root causes of our nation’s problems.

The Workers Party of Great Britain stands ready with bold, transformative policies to benefit the working class. We call on all who have been let down by Labour’s empty promises to join us in building a fairer, more equitable Britain.

Workers Party on Labour’s manifesto

The Workers Party said on economic policy and wealth redistribution that:

Labour’s manifesto offers nothing but lukewarm reforms that fail to tackle the root causes of wealth inequality. While they tinker with tax reforms, they shy away from implementing a substantial wealth tax on the ultra-rich.

We propose a one-off wealth tax on estates over £10 million, a bold step towards redressing the obscene wealth gap that has only widened under successive Tory and Labour governments.

It also called Keir Starmer and Wes Streeting’s approach to the NHS “a betrayal”:

Their refusal to fully renationalise the NHS leaves it vulnerable to continued privatisation and corporate profiteering. Our commitment to fully renationalise the NHS will ensure that healthcare remains a public good, free from the grasp of private interests.

Social and environmental/climate policies

On social policies like issues surrounding the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), the Workers Party said of Labour’s general election manifesto;

[The] pension policies are inadequate and fail to provide security for our elderly. We promise a major review of pensions to ensure adequate provision and options for early retirement. Furthermore, while Labour neglects the importance of child welfare, we commit to providing free nutritious meals for all school children, addressing child poverty head-on.

On the environment and climate change the party said:

Labour’s blind support for Net Zero targets and ULEZ initiatives without considering their impact on working-class families is irresponsible. We demand a Net Zero Referendum to ensure a fair debate on these issues and stand firmly against ULEZ policies that unfairly burden small businesses and low-income households.

Housing and infrastructure, foreign policy and defence

The Workers Party also slammed Labour over its manifesto response to the housing crisis. It said:

Labour’s failure to address the housing crisis is a glaring omission. Their policies fall short of tackling property speculation and the lack of social housing. Our aggressive approach to building social housing and expropriating unused land will provide real solutions to the housing crisis.

Meanwhile, it was also highly critical of Keir Starmer’s foreign policy:

Labour’s unwavering support for NATO is out of touch with the need for a peaceful foreign policy. We call for a referendum on NATO membership and advocate for new security arrangements based on mutual respect and peace. Additionally, Labour’s weak stance on international issues like Palestine highlights their lack of commitment to global justice. We stand firmly in support of Palestine and against imperialist actions.

Labour: not fit for purpose

Overall, the Workers Party accused Labour of ‘consistently betraying working-class interests, as evidenced by its ambiguous stance on Brexit and support for neoliberal policies’.

It said that its party:

offers a clear, unwavering socialist alternative genuinely aligned with the needs of the working class.

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