who would have seen race riots coming…?

  • Post last modified:August 4, 2024
  • Reading time:7 mins read

I don’t know about you, but I have paid very little attention to the Paris Olympics, what with lawless Labour Britain looking more like a burning zombie, race-riot battlefield than anything like a country of civilised, tolerant human beings.

I absolutely hear the opinion that sports and politics don’t mix, regardless of how utterly ridiculous and naive it might be to think a group of flag-flying athletes haven’t turned up to represent their sponsors, their country, ergo their government.

A coach-load of athletes from Israel being roundly booed by a crowd has nothing to do with the actual athletes and everything to do with the genocidal terrorist state that they represent. I don’t think that’s particularly complicated?

Even your average far-right Molotov-cocktail-launcher can get their head around that one.

Race-riot Britain: where being a Just Stop Oil-er is somehow worse

From the delightful young ‘lady’ that wanted a lighter to throw at riot cops to the charming ‘gentleman’ that ended up getting a fash brick in the gonads, I’m genuinely sat here now wondering how on earth these non compos mentis reprobates found their way out of the birth canal.

I don’t know if you stopped for a moment to notice how a blazing wheelie bin being launched at a row of riot squad cops by a far-right maniac feels so much better under a Labour government than it ever did under successive Tory administrations?

I did mention “lawless”, just a few paragraphs back, but if you are taking a moral stance against the climate catastrophe you will feel the full force of the law under this Labour government.

Although if you’re a literal child predator in possession of some of the very worst images of children imaginable, you’ll be home in time for Countdown.

The outpouring of conspiracy theories, misinformation and disinformation on social media — predominantly pedalled by self-styled right-wing influencers and anonymous Farage-fetishists — is one of the primary reasons as to why hatred and division has spilled onto the streets of Labour Britain.

Labour LOVES the far-right

The problem has never been Muslims, Roma, and Bangladeshis. Just switch on the news and you will see the problem is mostly young white men, radicalised by Tommy Robinson on TikTok and viral falsehoods which authorities simply cannot handle.

Believe me, you have so much more in common with a Polish cabbie and an Afghani Deliveroo driver than you will ever have with the knuckle-dragging moron Yaxley Lennon and the patriotic disciples that are a walking advertisement for everything that is wrong with NHS dentistry.

The poisonous little bastard isn’t fighting the fucking establishment, he’s fighting the establishment’s battle for them.

Government after government rely on the far-right to perpetuate the myth of foreigners being at the front and centre of all of your ills, simply because it gets them off the hook. You know this, and I know this. When will we put a stop to it?

Keir Starmer, a man that makes the proverbial rabbit caught in the headlights look positively at ease, will gradually lose the support of the nefarious right-wing corporate media if he fails to get a grip of the right-wing degenerates the same right-wing, billionaire-owned media has successfully whipped up into a frenzy.

Confusing? Possibly. Completely and utterly fucked up? Definitely. Welcome to Starmer’s Britain.

Just do SOMETHING, Starmer – please

Starmer doesn’t need to talk about being tough on crime, and tough on the causes of crime. He doesn’t need to constantly remind us that he used to be in charge of the Crown Prosecution Service. He needs to get a grip, and fast.

Anyway, why bother with all of this aggro when you could simply send Margaret Hodge to the Hartlepool frontline to talk some sense into these young miscreants?

What I want to hear Starmer say is he will not allow the senseless murder of three young children, by a British man, born in Cardiff to Christian parents, to be weaponised by the far-right and used as an excuse for social unrest.

I want to hear Starmer say he will proscribe Patriotic Alternative, Youth Alliance, Reform UK, and any other group of moronic baldies as terrorist organisations.

If Khamas are the bad guys for resisting the genocidal occupation of Palestine, what must these hard-right headbangers be for causing terror and race riots on the streets of Britain?

Worryingly, I haven’t seen anything from the new prime minister to suggest he will stop pretending the overwhelmingly peaceful pro-Palestine rallies are of equal concern to the scenes of Tommy’s acolytes getting their arse cheeks ripped off by a police dog.

I will defend anyone’s right to protest — left or right — wherever and whenever they wish to do so, but when a beautiful Alsatian is forced to sink their teeth into the human equivalent of the Sports Direct sale rail, a line has been crossed.

A perfect storm for race riots in lawless Labour Britain

What you need to do, Mr Starmer, is spend less time concerning yourself with a handful of Just Stop Oil protestors, and address the root causes of what is behind the chaotic mess of race riots, currently being played out in towns and cities across the country.

A perfect storm of poverty, low wages, homelessness, insecure employment, a failing education system, and a genuine lack of opportunity has gifted the far-right with a vehicle of division, and successive British governments have done nothing to address the mess of their own making because it’s so much easier to bend up a protestor for shouting “free Palestine”.

Please don’t think for one moment I am suggesting the Tories would have handled the scenes of unrest any better than quiet Keir and his shallow cabinet. Remember, you can criticise the government without being called a raging Tory these days.

But I am suggesting it really doesn’t make the slightest bit of a difference if the people running the country wear a red or a blue rosette.

I know a considerable amount of work is going in to the creation of a new left-wing party, and I believe, in time, you will have a supportable vehicle for societal change that is desperately needed to challenge the status quo.

It hasn’t taken long for us to see Keir Starmer’s true Tory colours.

If only somebody had warned us.

Featured image via Rachael Swindon

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