Unlocking 5 ways to manage joint pain

  • Post last modified:April 18, 2024
  • Reading time:6 mins read

When joint pain arises, swift action is imperative to prevent it from impeding on your lifestyle. Whether you experience pain running up and down the stairs in tube stations, or simply keeping pace with the city’s rapid rhythm, effectively managing joint discomfort is essential for overall quality of life amidst London’s hectic environment.

Joint pain is often linked to joint inflammation, arthritis, or osteoarthritis, and the pain itself can manifest in various ways: from dull and aching sensations to throbbing or sharp pains that can, quite literally, take your breath away. Additionally, pain may intensify after physical activity, gym workouts following a restless night’s sleep, or during prolonged periods of stress. Finding ways to manage joint pain that works for you comes down to talking with a specialist to get an accurate diagnosis which will then direct the most appropriate kind of treatment. Here is all you should know.

What are some of the most common causes of joint pain?

Joint pain is a highly prevalent complaint, particularly in the older population. However it’s also possible for younger people to suffer. Among the most frequently cited areas of discomfort are the knees, shoulders, and hips, although joint pain can manifest in any part of the body. One of the issues with joint pain is that it can be caused by many different conditions. Read on for an initial overview of some of the reasons as to why you may be experiencing pain or inflammation:

A) Osteoarthritis – this is the most common form of arthritis and the pain associated with it is caused by degeneration of the joints from wear and tear. Typically, this condition begins to surface as individuals reach their 50s or later, although it may occur earlier in some cases. It will usually affect the knees, hips, and smaller joints in the hands, in particular the fingers and thumbs. Look out for stiffness, tenderness, and reduced mobility. Understanding the age of onset and the primary sites of osteoarthritis is vital for early detection and effective management.

B) Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) – this is an autoimmune condition that arises when the body’s immune system attacks its own tissues. This results in pain in multiple joints (usually becoming mirrored on both sides of the body as the condition progresses), coupled with stiffness and swelling. You may also notice warmth and redness in the affected joint. Rheumatoid arthritis is a degenerative disease, which means it continues to get worse if not treated effectively. As such, if you have any concerns that you may have RA, the best thing you can do is seek medical advice. Early diagnosis and treatment is key to managing symptoms effectively, preventing further deterioration, and maintaining quality of life.

C) Strains and other conditions – Strains and other acute joint injuries often occur as a result of an accident or sports injury. Bursitis is a common injury which affects the joints and occurs when the fluid-filled sacs that cushion the joints become inflamed.

5 ways to manage joint pain

Although treatment plans will vary between individuals, there are some really useful ways to manage joint pain that anyone can adopt:

1. Find effective pain relief

Good pain relief is essential for enhancing quality of life, no matter your age or the sphere of work that you’re in. When the discomfort is alleviated it enables you to exercise, which is often needed to help aid recovery and restore mobility. Whether through medication, physical therapy, or alternative therapies such as acupuncture or massage, finding the right approach tailored to your personal needs is paramount. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate rest can have a long list of benefits for your overall health. 

2. Healthy weight 

Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for overall wellbeing, particularly when it comes to preventing joint pain. If you are overweight you’ll be putting a lot of pressure on your joints, especially the weight-supporting joints like knees and hips, heightening the risk of conditions such as osteoarthritis. By embracing a balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, you can effectively manage your weight. This not only alleviates strain on joints but also enhances mobility and overall quality of life. If exercise doesn’t strike you as an enjoyable pastime, perhaps consider signing up for group exercise classes for a more fun, social experience and to enjoy long-lasting results.

3. Sleep and rest

Good sleep and rest are vital for overall health, supporting physical and mental function. Sleep is how the body repairs itself, aiding in tissue repair, immune function, and cognitive processing. Rest also reduces inflammation and promotes relaxation for your body and soul. Having a consistent sleep schedule and creating a harmonious sleep environment can help to optimise your health and vitality. Now’s your chance to bring out the aromatherapy candles and silk sheets!

4. Invest in good physiotherapy

Although exercising when you have joint pain sounds very counterintuitive, the fact is that with the right kinds of exercise joint pain can be alleviated or at least improved. The type of physiotherapy exercises you are prescribed by your consultant will depend on your diagnosis and what exactly is causing your joint pain. For this, it is best to seek advice from a specialist.

5. Book an appointment with a rheumatologist

Getting assistance from a rheumatologist is paramount for individuals grappling with joint pain or symptoms of rheumatic ailments. Rheumatologists possess specialised expertise in diagnosing and treating conditions affecting joints, muscles, and connective tissues. Through meticulous evaluation and personalised treatment plans, they can adeptly manage joint pain with a combination of medications, physiotherapy, lifestyle adjustments, and collaborating with other healthcare professionals as needed. Dr. Bhadauria is a private rheumatologist in London who looks after patients with all joint-related concerns. His specialty interest is in early inflammatory arthritis. If you are experiencing any worrying symptoms, Dr. Bhadauria can be booked for a private consultation where he can diagnose any underlying condition(s) and provide fast, effective treatment to help you restore quality of life.

Managing joint pain for your future self

Follow these top five tips to be one step closer to feeling better and managing your joint pain. With some lifestyle changes and with the help of a specialist, you’ll be on your way to making long-lasting positive changes.

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