Tories latest attack ad is either really weak or really stupid

  • Post last modified:June 9, 2024
  • Reading time:15 mins read

If there’s one thing the Tories have historically excelled at, it’s running grubby general election campaigns with biting attack ads. Far from every attack landed, but those which did had a habit of occupying the public consciousness. In this election, however, the only brain centres they’re reaching are those which process confusion and disgust:


Many argued the attack ad is among the weakest the Conservative Party has ever produced. As noted above, the point of saying someone secretly runs a party is that the shadowy operator in question is out of sight and unelected – neither of which applies to Angela Rayner.

Additionally, it’s not like anyone is voting Labour because they like Keir Starmer and what he claims to be about; they’re voting the Labour because they’re not the Tory Party. And all that aside, Rayner is polling better than Starmer:

Political activist Phillip Proudfoot saying: 'Does this work? Starmer Net Favourables are lower than Angela Rayner. People generally like her more?'Political activist Phillip Proudfoot saying: 'Does this work? Starmer Net Favourables are lower than Angela Rayner. People generally like her more?'

Ironically, as people pointed out, there are people behind Starmer we should genuinely be worried about:

See below for an image of Starmer and Mandelson (and below that for an image of Mandelson and Epstein):

See here for an example of the malign influence this malignant man has on the party:

Here’s our past coverage on Mandelson’s ties to history’s most notorious peadophile:

Mandelson’s association with paedophile Epstein has been known for some time. Just this year, however, a report from JPMorgan Chase suggested that Mandelson was closer to Epstein than we previously knew. As reported by the Independent:

Labour peer Peter Mandelson’s “particularly close relationship” with disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein has been detailed in a shock report by JPMorgan Chase.

The dossier laid bare the senior political figure’s ties to the late paedophile – who was close enough to the former Labour cabinet minister to call him “Petie”.

The report also suggests that Lord Mandelson stayed at Epstein’s New York home in June 2009 – when he was still Gordon Brown’s business secretary and the financier was serving 18 months in prison for soliciting prostitution from a minor.

Mandelson also allegedly called Epstein for a favour in 2009 when the infamous paedophile was in a Florida jail for committing crimes of a paedophilic nature. There’s nothing to suggest that this favour had anything to do with Epstein’s crimes, although Epstein would have been the man to ask, as he was a famously successful paedophile.

Another good point people made was that the Tories don’t want people asking questions like ‘who’s really running who?‘.

A version of the Tory attack ad in which Rishi Sunak is the puppet, with puppeteers including Rupert Murdoch, Nigel Farage, Jacob Rees Mogg, and othersA version of the Tory attack ad in which Rishi Sunak is the puppet, with puppeteers including Rupert Murdoch, Nigel Farage, Jacob Rees Mogg, and others

Bald journalist and Tony Blair-respecter Ian Dunt, meanwhile, critiqued the ad from a highbrow neo-centrist perspective:

Some argued the ad is sexist:

Comedian Rosie Holt saying 'This is a noble advert and not at all sexist and definitely would still happen if the deputy leader was a man.' ToriesComedian Rosie Holt saying 'This is a noble advert and not at all sexist and definitely would still happen if the deputy leader was a man.' Tories

There’s definitely a case to be made for that, although past deputies like John Prescott did also act as a lightning rod for anti-left wing sentiment. This next tweet goes a step further in explaining precisely why the Tories are so freaked out by Rayner:

Journalist Jonathan Lis saying 'It makes sense when you remember that for the kind of entitled ex-public schoolboy making this content the idea of a talented working-class woman who’s risen to the top without money or connections actually *is* the most threatening thing you can imagine'Journalist Jonathan Lis saying 'It makes sense when you remember that for the kind of entitled ex-public schoolboy making this content the idea of a talented working-class woman who’s risen to the top without money or connections actually *is* the most threatening thing you can imagine'

This one goes further again:

Others pointed out it’s not surprising we’d get an ad like this given who their donors are:

Twitter user Tom Freeman saying: 'This ad was paid for by a man who fantasises about having Diane Abbott shot and says that she makes him want to hate all black women.' general election Twitter user Tom Freeman saying: 'This ad was paid for by a man who fantasises about having Diane Abbott shot and says that she makes him want to hate all black women.' general election


In contrast to those who think the Tory attack ad is weak are those who think it’s just stupid. Chief among this group are the puppet-understanders:

Author Frank Cottrel Boyce saying: 'This ad was paid for by a man who fantasises about having Diane Abbott shot and says that she makes him want to hate all black women.' general electionAuthor Frank Cottrel Boyce saying: 'This ad was paid for by a man who fantasises about having Diane Abbott shot and says that she makes him want to hate all black women.' general election

Some people are suggesting no intelligent thought went into the ad whatsoever:

Twitter user Anthony Painter saying: 'This ad was paid for by a man who fantasises about having Diane Abbott shot and says that she makes him want to hate all black women.'Twitter user Anthony Painter saying: 'This ad was paid for by a man who fantasises about having Diane Abbott shot and says that she makes him want to hate all black women.'

Other pointed out the ad goes against Margaret Thatcher’s famous mantra:

To be fair to the Tory PR team, though, Thatcher was a cunt, and personal attacks are often well deserved and funny.

The Tories Muppet politics

Given the state of the Tory Party in 2024, it’s not surprising their general election campaign has been an absolute state. It has been funny, though, and with four weeks left to go, we’re sure there’ll be more laughs yet to come.

Featured image via The Geniuses at the Tory Party

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