Tips To Improve Your Resume

  • Post last modified:June 14, 2024
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Hiring managers receive thousands of resumes for a single opening position. They spend less time reviewing the resume, and if they don’t get a good impression, they can reject you right away. No matter how much experience and knowledge you have, if your CV isn’t well-crafted, you might lose a chance for a well-paying job.

First impression really is the last impression. Not only do you have to care about the formatting but the font, the symmetry, and have to add catchy lines as well. At the end of the day, your resume is going to justify why you are fit for the position that they are hiring for. 

We have created a short checklist for you that you can refer to while making your resume. Keep reading to find out more!

Use Keywords

Hiring managers use the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to filter out unqualified candidates. This software brings up resumes that have keywords and phrases similar to the job description. So, using keywords is the bible of your resume. 

For instance, if you are applying for the position of SEO content writer, you can add keywords like Writing, Editing, Proofreading, or Search Engine Optimization. Make sure to read the job description well and modify your keywords accordingly. 

Using Action Verbs

While crafting your resume, opt for action verbs as they are more persuasive to the reader. It can create a sense of reliability and is engaging as well. So, use words like Supervised, Managed, Created, Boosted. Using action verbs in your resume will make you a more believable candidate. 


Formatting is something that you should never overlook while creating your resume. Make sure whatever is written on the resume has an 11 or 12 size and the font is Times New Roman or Ariel. It will create a more professional and minimalistic look. Also, you can add headings and bullet points to make it more readable and simple for the hiring manager. 

Convert to Pdf

Converting your resume to PDF is as essential as submitting it. PDF files give a good impression of the HRs. You can use online tools such as sodapdf to convert them. PDFs keep the information written in the file more secure. So, always send your document in PDF form. 

Quantify Your Experience

Try to show your skills and experiences rather than just writing point by point about it. The best way to do this is by quantifying your experience. Instead of saying, “I wrote articles and blogs on a food niche for my client,” you can say, “Increased 40% of traffic for my client’s food blog through strategic SEO writing. A result-oriented resume is definitely more attractive. It can testify to your experience more reliably. 

Include a summary

Consider writing a summary about yourself rather than writing an object line. Add your qualifications, experience and skills within 2 3 lines so the hiring people can have a better idea about who you are and what you bring to the position as an individual as well as employee. Remember, your summary speaks volumes about yourself, so make sure to use persuasive language.

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