the pariah state provocateur enacting TikTok colonialism

  • Post last modified:April 21, 2024
  • Reading time:9 mins read

Why are Western diplomats scornful and apoplectic with rage towards Iran while failing to denounce Israel’s deadly strike on the Iranian consulate in Syria? I don’t think it’s a particularly controversial question, do you?

Am I understanding this correctly?

Let me get this right: Israeli bombs are fine, but Iranian bombs aren’t? It’s okay to target innocent civilians in Gaza, but not European colonialists in Tel Aviv? And Israel, the perpetual aggressor, has a right to self-defence, but Iran has to suck it up and accept Israel can attack them whenever they feel like it?

Britain, Germany, and the United States hide their interior wickedness under the appearance of virtue. Hypocrisy is not a way for the crestfallen West to find its way back to the moral high ground. There is no way back now, and I can think of at least 34,000 reasons why.

We can pretend we are moral, and we can certainly say we are moral, but this is not the same as acting morally.

Honestly, the people trying to tell you that Britain has acted morally during the last six months will be the same fucking headbangers that will tell you Fred West was a bit of a bastard, but his patio laying skills were second-to-none, if it scores them just one minuscule political point.

It is absolutely beyond me how Britain — now just a bit-part player on the global scene — or any other state sponsor of genocide can condemn a relatively unspectacular missile launch from Tehran while not having a single fucking word to say about the barbaric Israeli drone strike on a playground that executed 11 innocent Palestinian children, this past week.

Israel’s killing of Palestinian children versus Iran’s unspectacular missile launch

These children, already physically and mentally shattered by 6 months of genocide and many years of illegal occupation, were playing in a playground that was built for Gazan children to find some temporary respite from the slaughter that follows them.

I cannot stress enough how vitally important it is for you to wake up every single day and not just wholeheartedly believe, but insist we want to live in a world where helpless innocent children aren’t targeted, maimed and murdered by a fucking drone strike.

How many Hamas resistance fighters were hiding in this playground? None.

How many senior Western diplomats had the moral testicles to call out this brazen act of Israeli genocide? None.

The galling hypocrisy of the Western elite has dragged this preach-but-never-practice and utterly mythical rules-based world order to the point of no return. Gaza has become the eternal grave of the Western-led world order.

The pariah state provocateur

Israel, the pariah state provocateur, is poking and prodding in a desperate attempt to force other countries into an entirely different narrative other than the genocide it is conducting in Gaza.

34,000 dead. 76,000 injured. Millions displaced. Gaza is under a state of siege and starvation with humanitarian aid being used as a tool for political blackmail. Israeli quadcopters are playing recordings of distressed babies in an attempt to lure out worried civilians, so the Israeli monsters can execute them.

Humanitarian aid workers, doctors, nurses, journalists, men, women, children and babies — all murdered in their thousands because Israel can and will continue to do so without as much as a sanction from an impotent international community because of the power of the colonialists veto.

That’s the fucking narrative right there.

Israel’s TikTok colonialism

Colonialism on steroids for the 21st century. An army that proudly displays its evils on TikTok with zero fucks given for international law.

The Israeli campaign to “bring them home” is probably in your face as much as it is mine. Ask any senior British minister or shadow minister for their opinion of the ongoing genocide in Gaza and they will always caveat every answer with some scripted crap about releasing the hostages.

No civilian deserves to be caught up in Israel’s ethnic cleaning and genocide of Gaza.

If this statement applies to the several dozen Israeli hostages being held by the Palestinian resistance it must equally apply to the 3,660 Palestinian hostages held under Israel’s administrative detention — a remnant of the British Mandate era — without being charged or allowed to stand trial.

Palestinian Prisoner’s Day: where was the ‘rules-based order’?

These detainees — including many women and children — are held by the Israeli terrorist forces for renewable periods of time based on ‘secret evidence’ that neither the detainee or their legal representative is allowed to see.

Israel and its fanatical extremist supporters cannot lecture me or anyone else about releasing hostages until they are demanding the release of every single Palestinian hostage being held under administrative detention by the Israeli savages.

Wednesday April 17th marked Palestinian Prisoner’s Day. This is an annual event that is dedicated to the thousands of Palestinian prisoners in Israel.

Campaigners use the day to call for the human rights of Palestinian prisoners to be upheld and for those who have been detained without charge to be released.

Four in 10 Palestinian men have spent time in an Israeli prison. If you want a comparison just look towards the United States, a country with the world’s largest prison population where one in 200 people is in jail.

Israel’s cult of Zionism

From its earliest days, Zionism – a cult that claims a divine predestination leading them to regard themselves as God’s chosen people – was deeply imbued with the same racist attitudes of other European settler-colonial movements.

Some of the most important people on the face of the planet, both past and present, have always believed Zionism should be entirely immune from criticism, and this has allowed it to flourish into the extremist, vicious tool of imperialism that it has become today.

Has anyone even considered the very simple fact that under the Fourth Geneva Convention, it is against international law for an occupying power to transfer an occupied people from the occupied territory? Anyone?

It states:

The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.” It also prohibits the “individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory.

That’s thousands of Palestinians being illegally detained, often without charges or a trial, subjected to horrifying torture, brutal beatings, rape, and often forced to make entirely fabricated confessions under duress.

Yet the Western elite want you to believe its this entirely legitimate resistance, armed with (by way of comparison) no more than a few beefed-up peashooters, who deserve to have tax-dollar-funded bombs dropped on their children as they sleep in a fucking flooded filthy tent.

A reputation irreparably damaged

I know we lost our national moral consciences some time ago, long before Israel’s genocide in Gaza, and when that went, the myth of Western humanity was lost at the same time. But at what point did we completely lose our marbles?

It is now impossible to mention the name “Israel” without automatically thinking of the atrocities they have committed in the name of “self-defence”.

Israel’s reputation on the world stage has been irreparably damaged, and not a moment too soon, and if reports are to be believed, Israel is seriously considering the prospect of arrest warrants being issued by the International Criminal Court for Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders for alleged violations of international law in Gaza.

Just for once, I think I’ll end on that positive possibility, and if I rant on for much longer the editor of the Canary might not want me back next Sunday.

Featured image via Rachael Swindon

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