The country is crumbling, but don’t worry the King has donned his jewels to speak to the peasants

  • Post last modified:July 17, 2024
  • Reading time:9 mins read

The king’s speech from Charlie outlined the Labour Party’s first programme for government in 15 years. Wearing the diamond-studded Imperial State Crown, his Admiral of the Fleet uniform and the crimson Robe of State – whatever the hell that all is – he delivered Labour’s proposals from a golden throne in the House of Lords upper chamber after a carriage procession from Buckingham Palace.

Apparently, this is to be considered normal behaviour for a country with one million children found to be destitute. In other words, that’s children WITHOUT two or more of: “housing, light, heat, food, appropriate clothing or toiletries.”

Prime minister and professional wet wipe Keir Starmer said:

We will unlock growth and take the brakes off Britain.

Whatever that means also.

The details of the speech promised a new border security command with beefed-up “counter-terror powers” to curb “immigration crime.” Starmer pledged to “smash the gangs” behind migrant crossings of the Channel from northern France.

Great, the starving kids will be ecstatic to hear it.

King’s Speech: read the room

Commenters on X also took a dim view of the proceedings:

Green MP Sian Berry pointed out what Starmer missed out from the king’s speech:

And, it’s hard to get away from the cost of the whole palaver:

New figures from the NHS have found that:

Hospitals in England are being hit with disruptions to patients’ care more than 100 times every week because of fires, leaks and problems created by outdated buildings.

And Charles has the audacity to sit in front of a gold wall, wearing stolen jewels, to read out Starmer’s burbling about brakes?


More people couldn’t believe the sheer wealth on display during the king’s speech:

And, that wealth made its way round to the jokers not covered in furs and jewels. openDemocracy’s Adam Ramsey wrote in 2023:

In total, openDemocracy estimates that Labour shadow cabinet members and their staff accepted luxury gifts from Google worth nearly £10,000 over the months before they announced their policy U-turn. By contrast, the value to the British public of the policy Labour appears to have ditched is estimated at around £3bn.

Former leader of the Green party, Caroline Lucas, said:

The two-child benefit cap is a shocking omission. The SNP are joining with Labour rebels to force the government to scrap the cap. The SNP’s Westminster leader Stephen Flynn said:

The two-child cap is pushing thousands of Scottish children into poverty – and scrapping it is the bare minimum the Labour Party government must do if it is serious about tackling poverty.

Howard Beckett made the link that often has to be made:

Immigration playbook

For all Starmer’s barely disguised dogwhistles about immigration, his actual policies laid out in the speech don’t seem to do much to tackle child poverty, a broken benefits system, or a crumbling NHS. No matter which monarch it is, and no matter which prime minister it is, this country is broken because our political system is broken.

It’s outrageous that we even have these rich scroungers as figureheads of the country reading out a speech from a government that has dragged the labour movement further and further to the right.

As usual, Britain has no idea how much of a joke it looks to the rest of the world.

Additional reporting by Agence France-Presse

Featured image via YouTube screenshot/Sky News

By The Canary

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