Stop The Far Right massive counter-rally against Robinson planned

  • Post last modified:October 11, 2024
  • Reading time:3 mins read

The following article is a comment piece from the Peace and Justice Project

Later this month, Tommy Robinson and the far-right are planning a demonstration in London. It’s aim is to spread fear and division in our communities. We cannot let these voices go unchallenged, which is why we will be there – to ‘Stop The Far Right’ and stop them marching and spreading their hateful ideology.

Stop The Far Right

Over the summer, we suffered the biggest racist attacks we’ve seen in a generation, with hotels housing asylum seekers set on fire, Muslims targeted on the streets and ugly, racist rhetoric on our streets and in the media.

Our march is about resisting the rise of racism, Islamophobia, and antisemitism.

This counter-demonstration is backed by organisations from across the country including trade unions, religious organisations, social justice groups, charities in the refugees sector, and anti-racist campaigns:

So join us to take a stand against racism, fascism, and the far-right’s hate.


  • Date: Saturday 26 October.
  • Time: Assemble 11.30am.
  • Location: Piccadilly – Regent Street St. James’s, SW1Y, London (Piccadilly Circus).

In July over 20,000 people joined Tommy Robinson’s last demonstration and this one is expected to be even bigger. That’s why many of us opposed to his politics of division must join the counter-protest and send a clear message that we reject the politics of hate.

There will be coaches heading down to London from across the country to stop the far right.

From Glasgow to Gateshead, from Bangor to Brighton we will turn up in our thousands to show the far-right they are not welcome here.

You can book your seat here.

Across Europe, the far-right is gaining ground, with Le Penn’s National Rally electing their largest ever group of MPs into the French Parliament, the AfD gaining power in local government in Germany and the far-right Freedom Party topping the polls in Austria.

Finally, please share the demonstration on social media and with your friends and networks.

Together, let’s show that unity trumps division, and solidarity will win over hate. Let’s Stop The Far Right.

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