Starmer, the cliché-ridden bore, is doing ‘better than expected’…?

  • Post last modified:August 25, 2024
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Starmer, the cliché-ridden pile of self-righteous, moralising, steaming wombat turd, seems to be pitching his “changed” Labour Party just slightly to the right of the last Tory administration.

We’re facing a permacrisis of our political and economic systems globally, so just doing the same old thing to the delight of the elitist billionaires doesn’t offer any tangible solutions to that.

Unless there just so happens to be a yacht nearby.

Starmer: he’s doing ‘better than expected’, apparently

I have absolutely no idea why Keir Starmer’s Starmerites think the anally-retentive bore that we’d all dread getting collared by at an office party is “doing better than expected”.

Better than expected for whom, may I be so bold as to ask?

Is it better than expected for disabled people?

There is mountains of evidence the DWP repeatedly ignored recommendations to improve the safety of its disgraceful disability benefits assessment system, leading to hundreds, and most-likely thousands of avoidable deaths of disabled claimants, throughout fourteen years of Conservative neglect.

There was no mention in the Labour manifesto for an inquiry into the countless deaths linked to the cruel and inhumane DWP’s actions over the last fourteen years — a pledge that was made at the last general election in 2019 by the previous Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn — but quietly ditched by the new Labour government.

To make matters worse, the red Iain Duncan Smith, Liz Kendall, is trying to block the release of data from reports compiled under the Tories on how many people’s deaths were linked to the hated and punitive Universal Credit, which is set to be rolled out to disabled people from next month.

On that basis I would suggest Keir Starmer isn’t doing better than expected for disabled people. In fact, he is covering up the very worst of the Tories punitive benefits regime so his Labour government can continue where the Tories left off, implementing the same hateful and discriminatory policies that became synonymous with successive Tory governments.

Give him a chance!

Every time I pop my head above the parapet to have the temerity to criticise Sir Kid Starver I routinely find myself being told to “give him a chance, he’s only just got in”.

Forgive me if I am wrong, but Starmer spent the best part of three full years telling anyone that would listen that his changed Labour Party was “preparing for government”.

You cannot really argue Starmer just got his feet under the desk when he has spent more time on his knees for Rupert Murdoch than Jerry Hall.

I’ll give Keir Starmer the same chance he gave the left of the Labour Party when he suspended a number of his own MPs for refusing to vote for greater child poverty and hunger. The rascals.

Once the media-supported honeymoon period has passed we’ll remain in a cycle of managed decline, and Starmer’s apparent popularity will tank. It’s so fucking predictable.

Surely, the whole point of getting into power should be to bring about structural reform, rather than continue with the same failed system that has delivered austerity for the many and prosperity for the very few?

Out torying the Tories

Ten million pensioners have seen their Winter Fuel Allowance axed. Even the callous Tories didn’t go there. What next, put on an extra jumper this winter?

It’s back to heat or eat, I’m afraid.

Think about it. Your energy prices will be increasing around 10%. The last time this happened, Rishi Sunak gave every household £600 towards their energy bills. As insignificant as it was at the time, it was something.

Labour’s response to soaring energy costs is to take away the Winter Fuel Allowance for ten million pensioners.

Isn’t that just slightly concerning?

£3 billion worth of NHS contracts have already been offered out to the private sector by the very same party that created the National Health Service. Do you really believe your NHS is safe in the hands of a secretary of state for health that receives significant funding from donors with links to private healthcare?

Wisdom and morality has been chasing you, Mr Starmer, but you have always been so much faster.

Your water bill is going to increase by as much as 44%. Remember: when seeking the votes of the Labour Party membership, Keir Starmer pledged:

Public services should be in public hands, not making profits for shareholders. Support common ownership of rail, mail, energy and water; end outsourcing out NHS, local government and justice system.

Whoever thought the Labour Party would become so fundamentally dishonest they would end up making Eylon Levy look like a respected bastion of truth?

Starmer: riding a wave of chronic apathy

The biggest winner of the general election of 2024 wasn’t the Labour Party, but apathy.

No matter how many times these anti-democratic carpetbaggers crow over Keir Starmer’s majority, the facts are there for all to see.

The British people didn’t endorse Keir Starmer, they rejected the Conservatives. They rejected the entire archaic political system and rightly asked themselves if there were any good reasons to vote for any of the establishment candidates. Labour’s victory was by way of default.

And the early evidence would suggest they were right to do so, because this Labour government — willing to fuel and fund a proxy war in a country with a huge neo Nazi problem, but unwilling to feed starving, homeless children in Britain — is barely distinguishable from the routed Conservatives we suffered under for fourteen miserable years.

Keir Starmer is the epitome of an out-of-touch politico who really has no respect for the electorate, who’ll just tell you anything today and who knows tomorrow.

I hate to say “we told you so”, so I won’t. But I will suggest to the moronic, fanatical supporters of the metropolitan, neoliberal Starmer that they really should be paying a bit more attention if they thought they would end up with a Labour government that stood for equality, public ownership, justice, and a kinder, fairer society

So far, so very, very bad.

Featured image via Rachael Swindon

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