Sonia Sodha says ‘anti-Starmer left’ are splitting the vote

  • Post last modified:June 26, 2024
  • Reading time:12 mins read

This general election’s trophy for liberals shitting their pants goes to Guardian columnist Sonia Sodha. At least for today, anyway. After Sunak announced the election, Sodha penned a pompous piece laying into the left for kicking Keir Starmer’s rightwing Labour Party to the curb. However, folks on X are fed up with her lofty opinions, and her spineless outlet bootlicking for Labour.

Sonia Sodha: ‘Don’t vote Labour’ left splitting the vote?

Sodha unironically titled her article:

It is foolish and self-indulgent for the anti-Starmer left to split the Labour vote

Setting aside that it’s laughable she thinks there’s such as thing as the ‘Starmer left’, Sodha’s premise is barmy. People on X articulated a number of reasons why.

For one, it showed staggering cognitive dissonance from long-time Corbyn detractors:

In particular, people on X are old enough to remember when the Labour right straight up sabotaged Corbyn’s chance at Number 10:

Because, who exactly does the country have to blame for Boris Johnson again?

Naturally, Sodha seems to have forgotten her part in this, so people on X kindly reminded her:

People were also understandably amused by Jess Philip’s smug mug as the feature image. This was particularly the case, given her public (and brutal) disavowal of Corbyn at the last election:

Starmer showed the left the door

Moreover, when Sodha opines about splitting the vote, she has a conveniently short term memory. Remember the time Starmer literally showed the left the door, Sodha? Well, again, people on X do:

As a result, one poster had a go at a more accurate headline:

But of course liberals can’t help throw their weight around with astonishing levels of entitlement:

Liberal stooges gonna stooge, though, and short-changing democracy is their God-given gift to the world, that literally no-one asked for:

Labour’s “politics are shit”

Back in the real-world, people pointed out that if anything Starmer is the one ‘splitting the vote’ by turning Tory-red traitor:

And more to the point, people aren’t ditching the party because of Starmer specifically. Funnily enough, people vote for their values, and Starmer’s Labour is in short supply:

Ultimately, people know that a vote for Starmer and his loyalists is a vote for another corporate capitalist hell:

Or it hardly needs to be said at this point, but a bunch of literal Tories:

Sonia Sodha: Starmer shill can shut up

At the end of the day, Starmer’s Labour has crossed one too many red lines. Abetting Israel’s genocide in Gaza was and is an unconscionable step too far:

If anything, Sodha’s article might have had the direct opposite effect to what she was hoping:

If the feeling on X is anything to go by, it’s about time these hypocrites shut up shilling for a shit party without principles.

Perhaps Sodha could put her pen to unpacking precisely why the left has up and gone. But that might suggest the neoliberal stenographer has an interest in holding the powerful to account. And that’s not something a self-indulgent suck up like Sodha knows how to do.

So, like the good left folks on X, I won’t be holding my breath.

Feature image via the Canary

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