skeletons tumble out of her closet as Starmer flounders

  • Post last modified:May 13, 2024
  • Reading time:15 mins read

On Wednesday 8 May, Conservative Party MP Natalie Elphicke defected to Keir Starmer’s Labour Party.

What you’ve heard about her since then almost certainly isn’t flattering. As if being a Tory wasn’t bad enough, it turns out she also went after the women who were raped by her rapist ex-husband:

As can be seen above, this was all public knowledge, and yet Labour admitted her anyway.

What they didn’t do, it seems, is ask the obvious question: ‘Is there any chance this nasty, rule-breaking Tory has more skeletons in the closet?

And guess what:

Elphicke’s dodgy back room deals

The latest story was broken by the Sunday Times and reported on by outlets including Sky News, which wrote:

allegedly told Sir Robert that it was unfair the case was the first to be heard at Southwark Crown Court after the COVID lockdown and that it was being overseen by Lady Justice Whipple.

One person present viewed her comments as a bid to have the case moved to a lower-profile court to spare her partner public scrutiny, while another saw it as an attempt to replace the senior judge, according to the newspaper.

Sir Robert reportedly told the paper he rejected her plea, suggesting his intervention could undermine the constitutional doctrine of the separation of powers between parliament and the judiciary.

“She was told in no uncertain terms that it would have been completely inappropriate to speak to the judge about the trial at all,” Sir Robert said in a statement.

Elphicke described the actions as “nonsense”, and a Labour Party spokesperson said:

If Robert Buckland had any genuine concerns about the meeting, then he should have raised them at the time, rather than making claims to the newspapers now Natalie has chosen to join the Labour Party

Yes, he should have done, but he wouldn’t, would he, because he’s a Tory. The Tories are bad, dishonest people, which is why you shouldn’t be welcoming them into your party.

Gabriel Pogrund, who broke the story, had more to add on Elphicke:

He also made it clear that the story is different to a previous expose:

Shock! Horror!

A lot of people – particularly those sympathetic to Starmer’s Labour – seem shocked that the media would only now draw attention to Elphicke’s misdeeds.

To be fair, though, before she crossed the floor she was just another backbench Tory dirtbag, so there wasn’t any particular reason to report on her.

Additionally, it’s no secret the media is by and large more favourable towards the Tory Party. You’re always going to draw criticism from the mainstream press, but that doesn’t mean the criticism isn’t sometimes deserved:


Interestingly, even Starmer’s sympathisers are struggling to stomach his admission of Elphicke:

Others are arguing it’s actually the Tories who have questions to answer:

The Tories never answer to this sort of stuff, though, and as they themselves are noting, they have even less reason to now:

More importantly, the Tories are unarguably a spent force at this point, with the party hitting its worst polling since Liz Truss. The vast majority of voters in this country are repulsed by the Tories and everything they stand for. As such, where is the sense in welcoming a Tory MP who willingly stood for everything they stand for?

There’s being tarred with the same brush, and there’s pouring the paint pot over your own head.

Some people have the right idea at least:

Danse macabre

The Elphicke situation is actually pretty comical at this point, with hordes of skeletons falling out of her closet like it was a clown car. We didn’t even cover everything – as reported by Adam Bienkov:

Elphicke StarmerElphicke Starmer

Starmer has had one victory at least – in that no one is saying his party is Tory ‘light’ anymore. At this point, they might as well rebrand to the ‘New Conservatives’ and have done with it.

Featured image via Guardian News – YouTube

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