screw the optics, where are our free tickets to Charli XCX?

  • Post last modified:September 29, 2024
  • Reading time:7 mins read

I thought I’d let the dust settle on the Labour conference because it was a particularly unspectacular gathering of super rich corporations, hard-right lobbyists, arms manufacturers, sugar daddy Lord Alli’s Labour servants, hedge fund executives – oh, and GB News.

And these despicable rogues told you a bit of broadband communism with Jeremy Corbyn would wreck the economy and we’d all be doing our online shopping through the Trussell Trust?

The Labour Party leadership under Keir Starmer is being generously bankrolled by individuals and corporations who are not only benefiting financially but are also shaping policy to serve their own interests, not those of the British people.

I could easily replace those first six words with, “The Tory leadership under Rishi Sunak”, and you probably wouldn’t blink an eye.

The real question is, who is Labour really serving?

Labour: who is it good for?

It certainly isn’t the working classes they claim to represent, and I think we can all agree that Labour’s disturbing attitude towards poor, disabled, sick, elderly, and vulnerable people is no better than what we have just been through under successive Conservative governments from Cameron to Sunak.

The Labour Party — firmly in the control of the very people that the party was formed to hold to account — has just reported  its largest ever donation, which came from a Cayman Islands registered hedge fund with shares worth hundreds of millions of pounds in fossil fuels, private health, arms manufacturing and asset management.

Aren’t you Starmerite’s bored of having to defend this bullshit by now? Telling us he isn’t as corrupt as Boris Johnson really is the last line of defence, isn’t it?

The record-breaking £4m donation by Quadrature Capital was received in the one-week window between former prime minister Rishi Sunak announcing the general election and the start of the “pre-poll reporting period”, which meant we didn’t get to hear about it for some weeks after.

This is what Starmer does. His Labour leadership campaign was funded by the cash of some highly questionable donors, yet the timing of the donations meant the Labour members didn’t get to find out this vital information that may well sway their vote, until it was too late.

‘Well, at least Labour has got funding again’

It’s hard to forget how much Labour banged on during the general election campaign about all the support they were getting from the business community, yet rather remarkably ‘forgot’ to say anything about this bumper donation from Quadrature.

I had one fanatical Starmer supporter tell me that at least Labour is no longer “weighed down by debt”, but in reality Labour is now permanently indebted to the multi-millionaires that pay for everything from Starmer juniors £20,000 GCSE study room to Bruce Springsteen tickets for the environment secretary.

I cannot see the electorate tolerating Labour’s industrial-scale freebie hoarding as it goes about planning a winter of harsh austerity.

Boris Johnson was rightly punished for his lockdown double-standards, and the Labour government will take one hell of a beating for putting Taylor Swift and Tottenham Hotspur before keeping nan and grandad a bit warmer this winter.

To be frank, these vile bastards make me nauseous. This isn’t a functioning government that the people can rely on in a time of crisis, is it?

They just don’t care

Labour don’t care about your low paid job, they’ve got free tickets to see Coldplay.

They don’t care about your empty fridge, they’ve got a ten grand donation from a Saudi-supporting PR firm to play with.

They don’t care if you have to buy your clothes from a charity shop or a car boot sale, they have “old friends” to gift them £7,500 worth of free designer clothes so they “look smart”.

These fucking disgusting red Tory vultures are laughing at your pain and your despair. Even their own conference voted to keep the winter fuel allowance, but the bloodthirsty authoritarian Starmer doesn’t give a shit about a democratic vote.

Is it not quite incredible that Keir Starmer now has lower approval ratings than the man he just replaced, less than three months after a triumphant election victory?

It’s not because people like or approve of Rishi Sunak, because they clearly don’t. But they prefer him simply because he is the anyone-but-Starmer option, which is a remarkable turnaround from where we were just three months ago when the public thrashed the Tories, and elected a Labour government by default.

I must admit, even I didn’t expect quite such a spectacular fall from grace for the Labour leader in such a short period of time.

Sure, I didn’t expect him to last the full term, the many skeletons that are currently falling out of the closet are merely the tip of the iceberg, but I didn’t think we’d only have to suffer one prime ministerial Christmas card from the lying junket addict.

Labour: fuck the optics, where are our tickets to Charli XCX?

Starmer needs a narrative to cling on to, and fast. They were elected with a massive majority with a ridiculously disproportionate share of the vote, so let’s not pretend Starmer’s government were the popular choice when for many fools they were the only choice.

The optics of cutting winter fuel payments are fucking horrific, and unbelievably naive from a man that pitched himself to the electorate as the safe and steady pair of hands the country needed following fourteen long years of painful Tory mismanagement.

The freebies scandal has massively damaged Starmer’s reputation. He made a point of telling voters that he will lead a whiter-than-white government, not an opaque, privately-owned rich man’s route of access to influence and power.

Again, we’ve been there, done that, and got the ‘Oh Jeremy Corbyn’ T-shirt. We do not need another corrupted government that lurches from one self-made crises to the next, baring our backsides on the international stage, while forcing through yet more ideological austerity for those they were elected to represent.

It’s hard to contain my disgust for this wretched flotilla of inadequate shite, masquerading as a government. I felt the same about the last lot. I don’t like Tories. I never have and never will, and that disdain absolutely extends to Starmer’s greedy freeloaders.

The names “Labour” and “Tory” are utterly meaningless. It’s the warped ideology that’s the problem.

Featured image via Rachael Swindon

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