Sangita Myska shows LBC up as it makes Braverman host

  • Post last modified:July 23, 2024
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Journalist Sangita Myska has struck out at LBC – her former employer who seemingly dropped her from the show in April. With just one shameless move, the broadcast station has shown exactly why representation does not equate to liberation for marginalised communities. At least, certainly not when you give far-right racist Suella Braverman the host-seat to spout her bigoted bile.

In a singular X post, Myska put paid to the idea – exposing LBC’s decision for the opportunistic move it is. That is: pandering to the right-wing establishment, dressed up like a diversity hire.

LBC screws over Sangita Myska for… Suella Braverman?

In April, Listeners of LBC were rightly outraged over the seeming suspension of Sangita Myska from her broadcast slot. At the time, rumours swirled it just might have had something to do with Myska’s fiery interview hauling Israeli government spokesperson Avi Hyman over the coals for his shamefaced lies.

Naturally, LBC had mostly brushed off Myska’s disappearance from the show. Largely, presenters like James O’Brien have simply peddled the broadcasters line that it was due to low listener figures. Only, as folks on X have highlighted, Myska’s ratings had been soaring:

At the time, LBC said that Myska was simply:

leaving the station at the end of her contract, after nearly two years

Of course, precisely no one was buying it. To date, Myska hasn’t spoken out about the circumstances surrounding her ‘leaving’ LBC. But while she still hasn’t illuminated us on this, she has now come for her old employer over another dick move.

Specifically, she poured scorn on LBC for sucking up to literal wood fibre at the very base of the barrel and genuinely unironic Tory leader hopeful Suella Braverman:

In a glorious gloves off moment, Myska set out how the two brown women couldn’t be more different. She wrote that:

Brown women with public profiles are a diverse group. We do not all revile the homeless, asylum seekers, Joan Salter, tofu, lawful protestors, centrists, the EU, international courts. Nor do we ‘dream’ of deportation flights to Rwanda, endorse the language of the far right, or hope to lead the Tory party.

On top of this, Myska apologised to listeners for being “unable to answer all” their questions. Many took this as confirmation for what people had earlier thought. That is, that LBC was laying cover for Israel:

Owned by literal Zionists and platforming them too

A corporate media outlet sacking a brown women who dared to speak out against a white supremacist endorsed ethnostate. Who’d have thought?

One X poster pointed out LBC’s parent company is owned by zealous Zionist Ashley Tabor-King and son of multimillionaire Michael Tabor:

And after unceremoniously shelving Myska, LBC *checks notes* invited on the literal personification of anti-migrant, racist bigotry and rightwing culture war shitfuckery:

So, on the one hand, award-winning journalist Sangita Myska who held Israel’s feet to the fire was right there. But when you can amplify far-right gammon-baiting Suella Braverman to another undeserved role, why wouldn’t you stick her in the host seat?

Some good came out of it at least – for one, we all got a good laugh at James O’Brien’s public meltdown over his (presumably) temporary stand-in:

And most satisfying of all, Myska’s statement meant that once again, LBC got well and truly burned. Call it karma.

Feature image via the Canary

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