Project 2025 exposé reveals Donald Trump is on board with plan

  • Post last modified:August 16, 2024
  • Reading time:9 mins read

Yesterday, the Centre for Climate Reporting released exclusive footage which reveals a Donald Trump insider discussing the ‘top secret’ second phase of Project 2025 – in which they plan to feed hundreds of highly-confidential plans directly into Trump’s team:

Project 2025

In 2023, the Heritage Foundation published Project 2025. It includes details of suggested policies that the next Republican administration ‘could’ use. Clearly, the project is part of the absurd white nationalist agenda and totals 900 pages.

Publicly, convicted felon Trump has washed his hands of Project 2025, however his critics have pointed out that it was in fact led by former officials from his administration.

The document, which no normal person would ever have the time to read, suggests inserting lots more political appointees who are ideologically aligned with the president into the executive branch. This is important because currently the majority of civil servants working in the executive branch are nonpartisan. They would replace them, putting political appointees into any ‘confidential, policy-determining, policymaking, or policy-advocating positions’.

Project 2025 also aims to abolish the Department of Education, Department of Homeland Security, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Obviously, this is absolutely insane and hugely important parts of the government would cease to function.

They would also scrap diversity programs in schools, along with LGBTQ+ rights and what little progress the US has made on climate change – including leaving the Paris Agreement. It also seeks to make huge cuts to Medicaid, pull out of the World Health Organisation, and various United Nations agencies. The headway that so many American’s have fought so hard for is set to be flushed down the toilet.

Project 2025 also wants to take even more steps to restrict access to safe abortions. It will direct the FDA to revoke its approval of abortion drug, mifepristone. It would also prohibit federal funds being used to provide healthcare coverage for abortion.

The Heritage Foundation

The project was led by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank. Their website states:

We champion policy solutions that benefit all Americans

Obviously by ‘all Americans’ they mean white, straight men.

Many parts of the Republican party and Project 2025 align. However, the Heritage Foundation’s document goes much further than any party line. On some issues, Heritage have far more extreme views – for example on abortion. They believe that in even in extreme cases – such as rape – abortions should not be allowed.

To give you a taste of the people running this foundation, president Kay Cole James previously compared LGBTQ people to “drug addicts, alcoholics, adulterers, or ‘anything else sinful’.

A senior legal fellow at the Foundation, Hans A. von Spakovsky, is an avid anti-immigration advocate. He wrote ‘No Asylum. Period.’ in response to many victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse seeking asylum in the United States. This is legal under international law. Funnily enough, his German mother and Russian Father immigrated to the United States in 1951. Make of that what you will.

Worryingly, their website states that every year, the Heritage Foundation secures over 400 meetings with congressional staff, and over 120 with members of congress.

Phase 2

In the video released by the Centre for Climate Reporting, one of Project 2025’s authors, Russel Vought, told undercover reporters that Trump is fully on board with their agenda while leaking ‘top secret’ details of the projects second phase:

As reported by CNN, who had access to the full two hour recording, Vought talked extensively on his ‘top secret’ work including his plans to restrict pornography and immigration. He also complained that the GOP was too focused on ‘religious liberty’ instead of ‘Christian nationalism’

He also discussed Trump’s plans to deport over 15 million people. Vought claimed removing millions of ‘undocumented immigrants’ could help save America.

Shockingly, Vought said his group, the Center for Renewing America (CRA) was ‘secretly’ drafting hundreds of executive orders, memos, and regulations which would lay the foundations for Trump’s plans – if he wins. Sorry Russell, but your secret is out.

CRA is a nonprofit and was one of the first right-leaning groups that partnered on project 2025. Interestingly, Vought previously worked as the policy director of the Republican National Convention which rewrote GOP’s official platform this year. This shows he is pivotal to the Republican’s policy goals.

The Trump-Vance campaign has tried to distance itself from project 2025. However, JD Vance wrote the foreword to a book written by the Heritage Foundations’ president Kevin D Roberts. So they are obviously a little tighter than they want us to believe.

In the full recording seen by CNN, Vought maintained that Trump had ‘blessed’ his organisation. He also stated: ‘he’s very supportive of what we do’. Clearly, Trumps public efforts to distance himself from project 2025 are purely performative.

Absolute insanity is unfortunately the reality for America right now. Whilst the genocidal alternative is less than ideal in Kamala Harris, this absolute shit show of a possibility is downright scary.

Feature image via MSNBC/Youtube

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