Piers Morgan left floundering by Lowkey question over Murdoch link

  • Post last modified:October 2, 2024
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Piers Morgan invited rapper Lowkey onto his show to try and catch him out. But instead, Lowkey beat him at his own game – using the the opportunity to question Morgan’s links to Rupert Murdoch, a key backer of Israel’s war criminal leader Benjamin Netanyahu.

Genocidal Netanyahu reportedly “has long-standing relations” with Murdoch and his family. And on Piers Morgan’s show, Lowkey questioned the presenter over a leaked note believed to show Murdoch as a key funder of Netanyahu’s. Morgan says he “co-owns” his show with Murdoch’s News Corp.

Piers Morgan’s colleague Murdoch: Israel’s most powerful supporter?

An excellent article by Alan Macleod over at Mint Press News earlier this year called Murdoch “Israel’s most powerful supporter”.

In the piece, Macleod said “no one is as important in manufacturing consent for Israel as Rupert Murdoch”. The billionaire media mogul, he added, “has close and extensive personal ties to the Israeli political elite and myriad business connections to the country”.

Murdoch has also “used his media empire to defend Israel and sing its praises” and to support a “group that builds illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank”. Overall, Macleod insisted, Murdoch and his media outlets function as “an unofficial arm of the Israeli propaganda machine”.

Another close Netanyahu ally on the leaked list is US billionaire Robert Kraft.

Another powerful figure with a close relationship with the Israeli establishment, Kraft reportedly “writes seven-digit checks to the right-wing Israeli lobbying machine AIPAC”, “attends fundraisers for the Israel Defense Forces”, backs his close friend Donald Trump, and routinely smears critics of Israel’s actions as antisemites. He even forked out $7m for an advert to further his efforts.

Murdoch, Israel, and Labour

As Macleod wrote:

Another ethically questionable connection is Murdoch’s reliance on lobbying firm LLM Communications. The billionaire hired the group, co-founded by Lord Jonathan Mendelsohn, to help them overturn British government laws that ensured trade unions could ballot for workplace recognition. Lord Mendelsohn was the chairman of the Israel lobbying group Labour Friends of Israel, which was crucial in smearing and defeating the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn

Regarding Morgan, meanwhile, he said:

Morgan has played a crucial role in informing the public about Israel and Palestine. Although he has claimed he is entirely neutral on the issue and does not support either side, Morgan has a number of close connections to Israel worth noting. Firstly, he has supported the Norwood Charity on a number of occasions, helping to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for the group.

He added:

Norwood is headed by the aforementioned Israel lobbyist, Lord Mendelsohn, alongside his wife, Lady Nicola Mendelsohn.

Also, he stressed:

Norwood’s previous president was Sir Trevor Chinn.

Chinn is a key lobbyist for Israel who has financially backed Keir Starmer and other cronies in the deteriorating post-Corbyn Labour party.

Israel relies heavily on propagandists like Rupert Murdoch and Piers Morgan to manufacture consent for its war crimes and ongoing colonial occupation. And we must call them all out at every possible opportunity.

Featured image via Piers Morgan Uncensored – YouTube

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