Palestine Action three more charged over Filton Elbit action

  • Post last modified:August 16, 2024
  • Reading time:3 mins read

The state is further punishing Palestine Action activists for standing up to Elbit Systems’ complicity in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza.

Palestine Action: the state abusing the law

Three more Palestine Action activists are charged with aggravated burglary and criminal damage allegedly in connection to an action against Elbit Systems UK on Tuesday 6 August. The action caused over £1million in damage to the heavily guarded Filton-based research hub of Israel’s biggest weapons producer, which was opened in the summer of 2023.

In total, 10 activists have been charged in connection to the Filton action — all of whom were first detained without charge for nearly a week and interrogated constantly under the powers granted by the Terrorism Act.

First, cops held seven Palestine Action activists under the Terrorism Act, giving the police powers to detain them without charge for up to 14 days. Whilst they were detained, counter-terrorism police interrogated the activists numerous times.

A week after the first arrests, charges were brought against seven of the now-dubbed ‘Filton10’ – none of which were offences under the Terrorism Act. Despite this, the state continued to abuse counter-terror powers to detain and interrogate further activists, whilst also dedicating nationwide resources to protect Israel’s biggest weapons firm.

As the Evening Standard reported, one of the seven – Hannah Davidson – has been charged despite not physically being at the action. This has echoes of the ‘Whole Truth Five’ – the Just Stop Oil activists who have been sent to prison for years, for planning action on the M25.

Now, three more people have been charged.

Charged for trying to stop a genocide

Elbit Systems frequently uses Gaza as a laboratory to develop new weaponry. At Elbit Systems Second Quarter 2024 Results, CEO Bezhalel Machlis said “The portfolio was improved drastically and this war has been an accelerator for many developments. The IDF (Israel Defense Forces) is using these technologies now and in the future, we will bring them to the rest of the market as well”.

Since 7 October, the Israeli military has killed and injured over 140,000 Palestinians. Despite International Court of Justice rulings on the plausibility of a genocide being committed in Gaza, Elbit Systems have been allowed to maintain operations in Britain.

Palestine Action says:

Under Section 1 of the Genocide Convention, all parties have a responsibility to prevent genocide and punish those responsible for its commission. Rather than abide by their legal and moral duties, the British state has deployed extensive resources towards protecting a company perpetrating genocide.

Palestine Action refuse to be intimidated into allowing a genocide to happen. We never backdown to a crackdown.

Featured image via Palestine Action/the Canary

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