out with the old, in with the blue

  • Post last modified:June 30, 2024
  • Reading time:9 mins read

It’s just occurred to me. This is the last Swindon’s Sunday Sermon before Keir Starmer’s big day on 4 July (the general election), when the nation is expected to choose the red Tory for no other reason than they can’t stand the blue Tory.

Bye bye, Sunak

I always knew Rishi Sunak would go far. I just really hope he stays there, the twat.

I must admit, despite unelected Sunak being a pernicious right-wing PR disaster with a face that would make onions cry, I thought he might at least possess a bit more gray matter than the average multi-millionaire Tory.

But how wrong could I be?

A mere £50,000 per annum at Winchester College, philosophy, politics, and economics at Oxford, and an MBA from Stanford University in California as a Fulbright Scholar, and still the Goldman Sachs protégé Sunak is as sharp as a marble.

I wonder why Mr Sunak forgets to put his time at Goldman Sachs on his CV?

Hello, Mr Starmer

Meanwhile, my part of North Wiltshire has been ridiculously warm this week. What a bloody shame Starmer and his shadowy cabinet couldn’t drag themselves to the key battlegrounds in Swindon so the locals had something shady.

I think I’ve managed to miss at least one Starmer visit during this incessant and ultimately futile general election campaign, and if I’m being entirely honest I think Keir Starmer will be as welcome in Swindon as a Bangladeshi in the Labour Party.

Labour will undoubtedly win this election and an undeservedly large majority by default. Nobody will be fooled by the manufactured scenes of jubilation from Downing Street because there’s not really anything to be jubilant about — unless you’re a pro-Israel lobbyist or a multi-millionaire with numerous links to the private healthcare industry — then you will be as happy as a pig in shit.

At the moment people coming from countries like Bangladesh are not being removed.

Keir Starmer. 24th June 2024.

What is the Labour Party’s issue with people from Bangladesh anyway? It seems somewhat intentional and coordinated that Starmer and the squeaky blimp of inadequate treachery that is Jonathan Ashworth both chose to have a go at the Bangladeshi community within hours of one another.

Believe me, during my time in politics I have come across some absolute pricks, but you Mr Ashworth, are a fucking cactus.

This is how the Labour Party now rolls

We shouldn’t be shocked by Labour’s dog-whistling. This is how the Labour Party of 2024 goes about its business. They want your votes, Farage, and they don’t care how they get them.

Just not in Clacton, where they effectively nobbled their own candidate — a chap by the name of Jovan Owusu-Nepal — for the crime of outshining the dull Labour leader on social media, giving Farage a clear run in the Essex constituency.

Labour has “changed”. But there is no change to be found for the 650,000 strong Bangladeshi community, because this is how they have been treated by successive Conservative governments for the past fourteen years.

This abhorrent demonising and scapegoating of refugees by the Labour Party is what you come to expect from the Braverman’s and Farage’s of this world. This is racism. Labour is racist. I can’t vote for this.

Stay-the-same Starmer is as useful as a knitted condom. Had it not been for ‘Partygate’ and an iceberg lettuce lasting longer than Sunak’s dimwitted predecessor, Liz Truss, there would be no Starmer majority.

The general election of 2024 won’t be remembered as the general election that Labour won. It will be remembered as the general election the Tories lost.

The Toryfication is complete for the general election

The Toryfication of the Labour Party is as near to complete as it can possibly be, but you can rest assured the millionaire KC Starmer will continue to find new ways to keep his paymasters permanently satisfied with their investments.

Starmer’s successful rotation of the elite must not be one without accountability, because where there is no accountability there will also be no responsibility. If we have learned just one thing over the past fourteen years of austerity, Brexit, and the calculated mishandling of the Covid pandemic — subserviently supported by Keir Starmer — please, let it be this.

The incoming Labour government isn’t particularly stacked with great thinkers and brilliant minds, indeed, take a look at the current front bench and you will get an idea of why we have to have instructions on a bottle of shampoo.

Starmer will fail to deliver the real change he wants you to go out and vote for on 4 July, and I fear this will lead to a greater disillusionment with our politics and people turning to the far-right.

This is exactly why we need new mass left-wing movements like Collective — who are backing independent candidates such as Andrew Feinstein, Fiona Lali, and Jeremy Corbyn — to succeed in bringing together the left, not just to organise the response to the rise of the far-right but to hold Keir Starmer’s government to account, because you can be sure as hell the British media will give him a free pass.

Mr U-turn U-turns on a U-turn

Late on Thursday evening, the Times reported that once in office Keir Starmer would delay the recognition of a Palestinian state.

I could be wrong here, but I think this is a U-turn on a U-turn on a U-turn, proving once again Keir Starmer cannot be trusted because ultimately, the subservient snake Starmer reports to the  United States of America and will have his homework marked by the colonial outpost of Israel.

I don’t think Starmer can quite get his head around the fact that recognising a Palestinian isn’t antisemitic — it’s not even anti-Israel — but it is more than symbolic because the recognition is a statement of anti-occupation.

A political alternative to violence begins with the recognition of a Palestinian state.

Ask yourself, would the long-overdue recognition add to the perpetual cycle of violence, considering 44% of the Palestinian people believe an armed confrontation is the most effective means of building a Palestinian state?

Out with the old, in with the blue this general election

So there we have it.

A new prime minister within days, simply because the other lot are so utterly discredited you could stick a red rosette on Prince Andrew and still have a good chance of winning.

A new prime minister that seems to think Bangladeshi refugees are fair game for a bit of dog whistle racism. Bigots and racists out, bigots and racists in.

A new prime minister that nobbled his own candidate in Clacton, giving far-right Farage a massive chance to jump on to the Westminster gravy train.

A new prime minister that has dragged the Labour Party so far to the right it is attracting defecting Conservative MPs that would feel more at home in Reform, standing on top of the White Cliffs of Dover screaming “STOP THE BOATS” to any slice of prime gammon that’s willing to listen.

A new prime minister that is beholden to the rich and powerful — from donors with links to private healthcare to pro-Israel lobbyists in search of access and influence — because the Labour Party is a tool of the neoliberal establishment and represents the interests of corporate capitalism.

A new prime minister that is so desperate to please the global elite he is willing to turn a blind eye to genocide and actively work against a peaceful solution in Gaza so the maniacs in the States can bang on about a “special relationship”. Vom.

Even Donald fucking Trump backs the disingenuous, dreary, but unimaginably dangerous lump of nothingness, Starmer.

Nothing for you after the general election

I’m absolutely done with Labour. Anyone sticking with the Labour Party is either wilfully or naively perpetuating the deception that it represents the interests of working class communities. It does not.

This establishment-pleasing Labour Party presents a greater barrier to a socialist transformation in Britain than the Tories.

Out with the old, in with the blue, plenty for them, and nothing for you.

Featured image via Rachael Swindon

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