Liz Truss lettuce debuts on former prime minister’s US Trump tour

  • Post last modified:August 14, 2024
  • Reading time:10 mins read

No sooner had Britain’s former five-minute prime minister uttered the famous phrase “it’s the economy, stupid” than the geniuses at Led By Donkeys unfurled the absolute chef’s kiss of banners behind the unsuspecting grifter. Replete in leafy green dress, Liz Truss turned to face her arch-lettuce nemesis – staring each-other down with googly eyes agog. “I CRASHED THE ECONOMY” emblazoned bold white against black background, Liz stormed off the stage, the hem of her dress flopping around like the limp lettuce leaves of her prime ministerial legacy.

Liz Truss versus the lettuce: round two

Wet lettuce Liz Truss was of course regaling the crowds on a leg of her US Trump tour.

This was after Truss came out chest-beating for whiny boy Elon over the EU warning him on his upcoming TrumpX party political broadcast:

And that was after Musk had laid into her blink-and-you-might-have-missed-it prime ministerial premiership. Though, in Musk’s books, the PM who brought the UK to the brink of recession is better than Starmer. Still, not really a compliment:

Evidently, the shameless suck-up is now angling for the role of president of the right-wing power-hungry white male tosser fan-club:

At least some good might come out it – the memberships will probably collapse. In Liz we Truss.

And from one sour citrus-tan lover to another, Richard Madeley then came to Truss’s aid on the recent pits of UK television media Good Morning Britain (GMB):

Free speech: bigotry the tip of the iceberg (lettuce?)

Of course, it was all a matter of ‘free speech’, supposedly.

Liz Truss was incensed that Led By Donkeys spelled out the feeling of the nation in big bold print. But ‘free speech’ eh Liz?! Clearly not the freedom to take the piss out of the self-serving Tory wankers that unleashed a tidal wave of callous austerity policies and authoritarian anti-protest laws on the rest of us:

Then there’s Musk. The European Commission sent a letter to him ahead of live X interview with presidential candidate (and convicted felon) Trump. In particular, it reminded Musk of his obligations to uphold EU laws:

Predictably, so-called ‘free speech’ warriors have been decrying this as censorship. In reality of course, it’s hate speech, plain and simple. Again for those at the back, vile vitriolic bigotry has fuck all to do with ‘freedom of speech’:

Essentially, people do have the freedom to be a massive cunt – exhibit A: that vapid Space Karen nepobaby literally 24/7. However, Musk’s social media platform amplifying disinformation and hateful content that incites violence is more than a bit cunty. It’s actively dangerous, as the recent Islamophobic pogroms in the UK have demonstrated. Moreover, his ‘freedom of speech’ tirades are a bit rich too:

Here’s Musk cosying up to Donald J. Trump – that indisputable bastion of free speech – with some free speech word salad:

The fact is, when these insufferable right-wingers play the ‘free speech’ card, it invariably means freedom for them to spout false information and bigotry.

Serving up accountability

Ultimately though, it’s always a good day when a former Tory PM wallowing in her eternal political irrelevance is taken down by a literal lettuce. For a second time, might we add. It’s an even better one when the billionaire owner of Twitter-turned-vanity X gets his ass handed to him. Multiple times in the space of a week, at that. Because, like Led By Donkeys, Olympic boxing champion Imane Khelif wasn’t pulling any punches either:

Not that Musk will likely learn his lesson:

At the end of the day, their fragile, hate-frothing, cishet white egos just can’t handle the truth when it’s staring them in the face. Or, in Liz Truss’s case, casting a piercing googly-eyed glare into the back of her empty skull. This, deliciously, in action:

So these ass-wipes will continue to decry people exercising their free speech rights to criticise them on their unearned self-appointed pedestals. And then, they’ll whine that people are silencing them when their hate-mongering incites violent attacks on Black, brown, Muslim and migrant communities, or brings them in breach of data and disinformation laws.

Perhaps we can ship the three free speech Musketeers off to Mars together and collectively decide to forget they ever existed. Though, who’s going to break it to Truss that her favourite leafy green grows pretty well in space?

Feature image via the Canary

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