Labour candidates keep running from the public asking questions

  • Post last modified:June 19, 2024
  • Reading time:6 mins read

In another instance of Labour Party prospective MPs taking flight when scrutinised, a voter asked the candidate for Bethnal Green and Stepney, Rushanara Ali, if he could ask her a question.

But like shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves did earlier this year when asked questions on Palestine, Ali promptly ran away:

Labour: sprinting off

Then there’s shadow secretary for culture, media and sport Thangam Debbonaire, candidate for Bristol Central. Earlier in June, Owen Jones tried to asked her whether she supports an arms embargo on Israel amid its genocide against Palestinian people in Gaza.

But she ran off too:

Labour candidates running away from questions on Gaza didn’t begin in the election. Residents challenged Reeves on the party’s record on Israel in February. One asked:

It’s alright they’re just simple questions. Like how do you feel about Israel turning off the water?… Rachel would you be able to live without water?

On 20 May, the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor Karim Khan referenced Israel “cutting off cross-border water pipelines from Israel to Gaza – Gazans’ principal source of clean water – for a prolonged period” as a war crime he’s seeking arrest warrants for.

In February, Labour’s Rochdale candidate Azhar Ali marked another instance of Labour people trying to run the country without answering questions.

Ali sped away in his car when reporters from 5 Pillars asked him “is Labour a party of genocide?”

More running – this time from hustings

The Labour candidate challenging Jeremy Corbyn (who’s running as an independent), is also hiding from scrutiny. Praful Nargund has refused to attend multiple hustings in Islington North on the NHS and housing.

Another Labour candidate, Gareth Thomas for Harrow West, is also dodging hustings. The Independent candidate challenging him, Pamela Fitzpatrick, said:

No one should vote for a candidate so arrogant and contemptuous of the electorate that he can’t be bothered to take part in the democratic process of hustings.

As well as legging it from Owen Jones, Bristol Central candidate Debbonaire also refused to attend a community hustings. Paradoxically, she claimed she couldn’t attend because she’s “focusing on speaking with local people directly”.

Labour’s candidate for Lancaster and Wyre, Cat Smith, also refused to attend hustings. She used the fact that the Conservative candidate pulled out as an excuse for not attending.

Mary Glindon, Labour candidate for Newcastle East and Wallsend, joined her prospective colleagues in sidestepping democratic debate. The only hustings in the constituency was cancelled after she refused to attend.

The combination of hubris and fear of scrutiny from Starmer’s Labour is a toxic combination. The public only gets a say in who runs the country every five years. We deserve better than this.

Featured image via Newham Independents – X

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