Labour announce more police at the worst time possible

  • Post last modified:July 29, 2024
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Given the massive fall in living standards that the UK has suffered, no one could be surprised that crimes like shoplifting have risen. The Labour Party government, however, seem to believe that many Britons are inherently criminal in nature, and they were all just waiting for the police to thin out so they could line their pockets with stolen cheese and cans of Lynx Africa:

While promoting coppers as the solution to austerity is always going to go down poorly with those who understand the problems this country faces, Labour has somehow picked a worse time than usual to make the argument. After all, this was the week we all saw violent and anti-social behaviour being perpetrated by none other than the police themselves:

Labour: the state of this police state

Writing in the Express – an outlet which is even more anti-social than the Manchester airport police – Yvette Cooper said:

Street crime is surging across the country, with a 40% increase in theft against the person in the last year alone. That’s being driven by crimes like mobile phone theft, which are often now committed in broad daylight because offenders have stopped believing there will be any consequences for their crimes. And antisocial behaviour is rampant in many town centres and communities.

Yet shockingly the number of neighbourhood police on our streets has plummeted. Shamefully more than half of the public now say they never see a bobby on the beat.

Is it that shocking? Even if you’re unfailingly pro-police, you’ve got to acknowledge that everyone has a mobile phone, and the police have automobiles.

One of our writers broke up a domestic assault the other week and the police where there in minutes; would it have been quicker if they were waiting on some out-of-shape plod to sprint over from several streets away?

Cooper continued:

Action against antisocial behaviour has crumbled too. For example, the on-the-spot fines that the last Labour government introduced to help tackle antisocial behaviour have collapsed into disuse – just 7,000 issued in 2023 compared to 207,000 in Tony Blair’s last year in power, with 26 police forces issuing no notices at all.

Yes, because obviously making people poorer will make them less likely to steal.

Not to worry, though, because serious crimes like planning to draw attention to the looming climate catastrophe will still see a person proceeding straight to jail:

Labour’s focus on the symptoms of disparity rather than the disparity itself has not gone unnoticed:

Who filths the filth?

People are pointing out that some of these cops aren’t the best people to put our trust in:

Bear in mind this was just the past week. Here are some other police scandals and statistics from recent years:

More police, more problems?

Now, we’re not saying every police officer in the UK is a corrupt, head-kicking rapist.

We are saying that bloating the ranks of this scandalous institution will not fix the structural inequality which is causing Britain to collapse in on itself.

The police are no substitute for a prosperous society of equals, and Labour knows that.

Their plan isn’t to reverse the collapse, you see; their plan is to reassure those benefitting from managed decline that the Great British rip-off will continue to enjoy state protection.

Featured image via Sky News (YouTube)

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