Kuenssberg Boris Johnson interview a week before his book arrives

  • Post last modified:September 19, 2024
  • Reading time:8 mins read

As the Conservative’s barrel-scraping leadership rigamarole enters its final stretch, the one thing that no-one is thinking is “if only Boris Johnson were back”. Unless, you’re the lying charlatan’s nauseatingly fawning lickspittle Laura Kuenssberg that is. If you don’t currently have plans for Thursday 3 October at 7.30pm, now you do. And it’s to be anywhere, doing literally anything other than turning on the TV to BBC One:

The Kuenssberg Interview with… Boris Johnson

Of course, it’s the type of ingratiating drivel we’ve all become used to from the shameless Tory mouthpiece. Nonetheless, the focus of this particular programme understandably had many rolling their eyes in utter incredulity. For one, Kuenssberg and the BBC has given over a whole slot to the former sleazebag prime minister. This being the disgraced PM even the Tories booted out after one too many scandals:

Then, there’s the uncanny timing. Specifically, that it airs one week before Johnson’s memoir Unleashed hits the shelves. So, Kuenssberg’s interview is practically a promotional ad for his little self-aggrandising work of fiction (because from the serially lying Johnson, it can hardly count as non-fiction):

One person on X highlighted that Johnson wasn’t too interested in giving an interview with an election impending:

Evidently however, Kuenssberg is pretty pleased with herself for bagging herself a Boris Johnson one-on-one. Graciously, the good people of X well and truly ratioed her for this:

Tight with the Tories all round

Currently, details on what the programme will contain are sparse. The BBC’s website says only: “Laura Kuenssberg talks to Boris Johnson.” All it really tells us is that Johnson probably didn’t hide in a fridge for this interview.

So, will Kuenssberg take Johnson to task over any number of his multifarious misdemeanours?

Fat chance from the BBC’s sycophantic Tory stooge.

Far from incisive, interrogative journalism, it’ll be a sickening slideshow of simpering stenography from its highfalutin hack. No-one asked for an hour (or however insufferably long this programme will be) of the sack of steaming shit talking his way out of his culpability for the deadly toll of the pandemic, Brexit, and countless other callous policies under his prime ministerial-ship. Invariably however, that’s what this will be. After all, Kuenssberg’s Johnson suck-up record speaks for itself.

Almost literally anyone would do a better job as a journalist grilling the overinflated Bullingdon Club establishment grifter:

Of course, Kuenssberg is just the tip of the iceberg of the BBC’s tight relationship with the Tories:

If you had any lasting doubt that the BBC is a far-right Tory public relations outfit, then this should set that to rest. Putting out a puff piece for a disgraced former PM should be beyond embarrassing for any journalist. But playing her part in the Boris Johnson rehabilitation parade suits his probable next communications director down to ground.

However, there was one other useful reminder from this. This date for the diary too: Thursday 10 October – watch Boris Johnson’s memoir stay stuck-fast to the shelves of your local bookshop. It’d be a damn sight better viewing than whatever paint-dryingly dull Johnson reputation-massaging ego-waffle Kuenssberg will be putting out the week before, that’s for sure.

Feature image via Youtube – BBC News

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