Kamala Harris gets millions of dollars from Israel lobbyists

  • Post last modified:August 15, 2024
  • Reading time:11 mins read

Only two days ago, the US approved $20bn in weapons sales to Israel. In the same week, Kamala Harris called for a ceasefire at her rally in Arizona after pro-Palestine protesters interrupted her, for the second time in a week. Meanwhile, pro-Israel lobby groups have paid her $5,395,227.

Obviously, Harris is a far cry from Trump. However, questions have to be asked. How disingenuous must a person be to call for a ceasefire whilst both accepting money from and providing weapons to a genocidal state?

Hypocrisy from Kamala Harris

This weekend, Kamala Harris condemned Israel’s attack on the al-Taba’een school in Gaza. She also called for a ceasefire and highlighted the excessive civilian casualties. However since then, the US approved another $20 bn in weapons sales to Israel. Two faced or what?

Back in 2017, Harris delivered a speech at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) policy conference. During that speech, she said:

I believe the bonds between the United States and Israel are unbreakable, and we can never let anyone drive a wedge between us.

She continued:

I believe Israel should never be a partisan issue, and as long as I’m a United States senator, I will do everything in my power to ensure broad and bipartisan support for Israel’s security and right to self-defense.

So either Harris is unaware of international law – that countries do not have the right to self defence in territories they are occupying – or she is choosing to ignore it. Instead, she is supporting genocide, ethnic cleansing and apartheid:

At least they have a bond that even the deaths of 40 000 Palestinians cannot break.

Keep telling yourself that, Kamala

In the same speech, Kamala Harris also mentioned:

I fondly remember those Jewish National Fund boxes that we would use to collect donations to plant trees for Israel

It is well documented that the Jewish National Fund (JNF) has helped steal Palestinian land, acquired properties through force and whitewashed the theft of Palestinian land. Friends of JNF UK supported the planting of the Hiran Forest. They used this project to displace Palestinians and destroy the village of Umm-al-Hiran. Obviously, this is against international law:

The JNF also assigned $1m to support young Israeli settlers to reside in illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank. The funds were earmarked for vocational training and skill development. But hey, who needs legitimate training when you can just steal other people’s land?

The JNF’s website states it ‘prides itself on honouring the pioneers of the past’. However, the over 400 communities the JNF supports are completely segregated. They are only open to Jewish people. The JNF does not allow Palestinians a look in.

The JNF have also facilitated Israel erasing Palestinian communities completely – from their history to their culture.

So Harris can keep telling herself she donated to ‘plant some trees’ – but we all know what that means.

Condemning peaceful protests

At the end of last month, Kamala Harris released a statement condemning peaceful protesters in Washington DC. The protests took place at the same time that Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister was addressing congress:

Her statement could have been dished out by an Israeli PR firm, as people on X pointed out:

Conflating peaceful protesters with support for terrorism is getting old. As is conflating criticism of Israel with antisemitism.

Looking for support in the wrong places

A poll from IMEU policy project showed that Kamala Harris would earn more votes by supporting an arms embargo on Israel, than on opposing it:

The voters are asking Harris to impose an arms embargo and a ceasefire. Will her campaign listen?

What difference does it make whether its Biden, Trump or Harris sending the bombs to Israel? At the end of the day, it all means the same – thousands more dead Palestinians.

Feature image via MSNBC/Youtube

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