Just Stop Oil planning major protest at parliament over the Budget

  • Post last modified:October 11, 2024
  • Reading time:3 mins read

The following article is a comment piece from Just Stop Oil

Just Stop Oil believes the Autumn Budget will not #ProtectThePeople.

So, what should we do when we see evidence of broken, crumbling systems all around us?

When nonviolent protestors acting to protect human life are being imprisoned for up to five years? When our Labour Party government is threatening to condemn us to another five years of austerity? When politicians across the board refuse to properly address poverty or their involvement in genocide, tackle climate breakdown, or tax the rich? When they let kids across this country starve and our NHS crumble?

It is clear that politics does not serve ordinary people and that politicians will continue to place the interests of corporations and billionaires over people’s lives.

Given the situation that we’re in, the only answer is to come together in solidarity and collective resistance.

Just Stop Oil: protest #TheBloodyBudget

The state wants us divided, so we will do the opposite. On 2 November after the Autumn Budget, Just Stop Oil will be joining Youth DemandAssemble, and a coalition of groups including XR London, Fuel Poverty Action, XR for Palestine, and Disabled People Against Cuts, to demonstrate our collective power and show that we refuse to take this.

We’ll be meeting in Parliament Square at 1:30pm on November 2nd. Bring your banners, bring your placards, bring your mates, and most importantly: BRING AN UMBRELLA. Even if it’s not raining.

We’ll be marching together to tell Labour they can #BinTheBudget and demand that they:

  • Tax the rich to end inequality.
  • Just Stop Oil by 2030.
  • Stop arming Israel.
  • Replace the House of Lords with a House of the People.
  • End political corruption and investigate the real criminals.

Following the march, we will be coming together to connect with community, share delicious vegan food, and decide what should be done through a proper democratic Assembly where everyone will have a chance to speak up. The day will end with an afterparty soundtracked by live music.

Just Stop Oil thinks it’s going to be an energising day filled with solidarity and resistance.

You can sign up here.

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