Just Stop Oil just made a major announcement over its protests

  • Post last modified:August 8, 2024
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Just Stop Oil is calling a pause on further actions while far-right race riots are continuing to affect many towns and cities around the country. In recent weeks, Just Stop Oil has been acting with groups internationally, to demand governments establish a Fossil Fuel Treaty to end the extraction and burning of oil, gas and coal by 2030.

However, by pausing its own actions it means it can mobilise with communities and other groups to present a united front against the far-right – exactly the approach that’s needed.

Just Stop Oil said…

A Just Stop Oil spokesperson issued the following statement:

“Like the entire country, our community has been deeply disturbed by the events of recent days. Disturbed, but not surprised. The civil unrest the country is experiencing is a taste of what science is telling us will happen, as climate chaos accelerates and makes the preservation of a stable society untenable.

“We recognise that the violence on our streets is endangering communities, particularly those of Muslims and people of colour. In accordance with our commitment to nonviolence, we will not stretch police resources, such that they are unable to protect communities most at risk. Therefore, we are pausing our nonviolent resistance until the immediate threats to safety have been dealt with appropriately.

“Our primary focus as a community is to resist fascism, and so supporters of Just Stop Oil will be joining peaceful counter-demonstrations and will be taking part in local clean-up operations in the days ahead”.

The climate crisis and far-right race riots are linked

They continued:

“We recognise that without the elimination of the underlying causes of this unrest, the violent disruption we are seeing on the streets is likely to continue. This is the inevitable consequence of a broken political system, economic austerity, and the withdrawal of the social safety net. Anger has been misdirected by agitators amongst the political class, the billionaire-owned press, and by other elites; who have been scapegoating the people who have done the least to create this situation. There are those in the ruling class who would sooner foment the rise of fascism in order to preserve their own wealth, than see a fairer society that works better for everyone.

“Delivering a Fossil Fuel Treaty that ends oil and gas by 2030 is an essential step for our Government to prevent massive disorder in the future. This will be needed all the more as the full ramifications of crop failure, food shortages and economic collapse become clearer. Thus we cannot afford to pause for more than is immediately necessary.

“Just Stop Oil supporters take no pleasure in causing disruption, far from it, we find it deeply uncomfortable. However, we have to face reality, if we want to protect our loved ones, the wider public and generations to come. Every one of us must take stock of what is most important, and reorient ourselves towards the preservation of life, through nonviolent resistance against the systems that are causing harm”.

Britain’s ‘desperate circumstances’ mean Just Stop Oil stop

The Just Stop Oil spokesperson concluded that:

“We would encourage those in Government, as well as those in the media, judiciary and the wider public to join us in considering how we address the challenges of our time, at this critical juncture in human history.

“We ask our international allies for their understanding of these desperate circumstances in Britain currently and our need to take a pause.”

“The Oil Kills international uprising will be continuing at airports around the world. 22 groups across 13 countries have taken action at 22 airports so far.

“26 people are currently in prison in the UK for demanding the government take necessary actions to protect our families and communities from the worst impacts of climate breakdown. A further two supporters of Palestine Action are also currently in prison for demanding an end to the genocide in Gaza”.

Featured image via Just Stop Oil

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