Johnny Mercer exposed hours before voting started in Plymouth

  • Post last modified:July 4, 2024
  • Reading time:9 mins read

On Wednesday 3 July, a video emerged online of Conservative Party candidate in Plymouth Moor View Johnny Mercer’s wife attempting to shut down a peaceful protest held by Gulf War veterans – just hours before the general election began:

Ignoring chronically ill veterans. How convenient for Johnny Mercer.

Felicity Cornelius-Mercer can be seen in the video, arguing with the protesters after they state that Johnny Mercer has ‘ignored them for years’. As the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs it seems that Mercer has been failing to do the only part of his job that a normal person could guess – listening to veterans.

This may well be because they live with Gulf War syndrome – caused by exposure to chemical weapons – which is an illness that was dismissed as psychological for years. Oh, and also caused in part by the actions of the UK government.

Back to Mercer, and his wife then lied to the police about there being an ‘altercation’ in an attempt to shut the protest down. The people on X were having none of it:

Afraid of a placard?

The Tories like to paint themselves as the party of free speech – which is an absolute joke. Clearly, Johnny Mercer can’t handle it when that free speech involves calling him out for the useless scumbag he is:

Is it any wonder people are mad at Mercer? The next time a Tory beats their chest over some climate or pro-Palestine protesters taking up police time and resources, show them this.

Funnily enough, the protesters weren’t even campaigning for another candidate – only telling people not to vote for Mercer:

Another video shows Mercer agreeing to work with protestors after the election. Only, on the condition they do not protest again in Plymouth. It’s funny how he suddenly agrees to engage with them when his reputation is at stake – the day before voting:

No-mates Mercer

Hilariously, one X user posted a photo of Mercer campaigning on the roadside in Plymouth. As you can see below, all of his loyal supporters surround him. Yes, that’s right – some traffic lights and a bollard. Which do a far greater job at keeping Britain safe than him or any of his Tory pals:

Feature image via Plymouth Live/YouTube

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