How to Get The Look

  • Post last modified:May 9, 2024
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Homes in London have begun to combine cutting-edge contemporary designs with the city’s historical grandeur as a way of reflecting the metropolis’ diverse architectural heritage. London’s housing scene is undergoing a fascinating transformation. Modern design is weaving itself into the city’s historical fabric, creating a unique fusion of old and new. This trend reflects London’s vibrant architectural heritage and caters to those seeking a stylish, contemporary space infused with the city’s rich history.

Trend Breakdown

Exploring the most fashionable properties in London reveals an intriguing interaction of design components that can change up any space. Here are some styles and tricks that we recommend you use in your own home:

Minimalism and Maximising Light

Modern homes in London tend to be minimalistic, offering an atmosphere of lightness and simplicity — which heavily contrasts the fast-paced nature of the city. This design concept works especially well in urban settings where natural light is highly valued and space is at a premium. Open floor plans, minimalist furniture, and a subdued colour scheme all contribute to the serene and spacious appearance of interior spaces. To create the airy feel found in many Luxury London Listings properties, think about adding features like large windows, sheer draperies, and well-placed mirrors to enhance the natural light in your space.

Bold Colours and Rich Textures

On the contrary, there’s a vibrant movement towards using striking colours to give rooms personality. Textured wall coverings, like grasscloth and linen, provide warmth and depth that can be counterbalanced with vibrant hues like emerald green or sapphire blue. This method can give a space more drama and tactile quality, resulting in a sophisticated yet dynamic atmosphere. If you want to follow this trend, start with a bold statement wall or a piece of furniture that stands out and is balanced with neutral hues.

Eclecticism and Imperfection

London’s aesthetic is also distinguished by a certain eclecticism and a spirit of defiance against matching everything perfectly. This movement emphasises a fusion of historical and modern design eras and aesthetics, allowing elegance and simplicity to live side by side. The end effect is a singularly diverse customised area that seems to have been carefully curated rather than just simply thrown together. To achieve this effect in your living spaces, you can combine classic and mid-century contemporary furniture, add textiles and artwork from around the world to your walls, and select accessories that span a variety of eras and styles.

Practical Tips: Achieving the Look

It takes more than simply picking the perfect furniture or colour scheme to create the chic look of London interiors; it also involves knowing where you can find these essential items and recognising when to hire professionals. Here are some practical pointers to help you:

Shopping Locally and Online

Visit stores in Notting Hill or local markets like Spitalfields to get furniture and décor that perfectly embodies London flair. Websites such as and Etsy also provide a variety of products, from simple accessories to eye-catching standout pieces.

Do It Yourself vs. Hiring a Pro

While simple tasks like painting or little décor changes can be completed by hand, incorporating intricate details like statement lighting or specially designed features may call for professional assistance. Different businesses offer bespoke interior design guidance for contemporary London houses, guaranteeing a cohesive and trendy look.

Inspiration Spotlight: Luxury London Listings

For some inspiration, take a look at one of our favourites properties — a luxurious townhouse in Mayfair, filled with beautiful interiors that embodies modern design and minimalism flawlessly. Bold lines and dramatic lighting give the space a chic, contemporary feel. The home’s interiors radiate peace — from cosy, open living areas to clean, minimalist bedrooms.

Ready to Bring the London Style Into Your Home?

Adopting London’s interior design trends means embracing a blend of inventive and traditional choices, daring expression combined with minimalism, and a hint of the unexpected. For further inspiration and practical examples, take a look at the properties on offer from Luxury London Listings and explore the vast array of styled homes that bring trends to life. Specialising in self-catered rentals that are both comfortable and sophisticated, Luxury London Listings showcase an array of homes that epitomises this blend, making them ideal spaces for those looking to inject some London style into their own spaces.

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