fascists just ‘working class lads’ says ’30p Lee’

  • Post last modified:August 7, 2024
  • Reading time:14 mins read

’30p Lee’ Anderson was at it again on his favourite cheap excuse for a media channel GB News. The chief whip of the chief instigators of the fascist domestic terrorists carrying out violent pogroms and race riots across the UK spouted his trash takes on its programme.

And surprise surprise, Anderson advocated for – wait for it – the far-right’s latest febrile obsession: two-tier policing. Because it’s alright when it lets the violent Islamophobic, racist rioters off the hook, naturally.

That is, after a week of far right neo-Nazi lynch mobs attacking Black, brown, Muslim, and migrant communities across the UK, the newly-minted Reform MP, wants Starmer to “sit down and talk to them”.

Reform race riots: incited by dogwhistle racist politics

On Tuesday 6 August, Reform MP and commentator Lee Anderson took the GB News (hot) airwaves. Predictably, he had a lot of shit to stir about the far-right fascist race riots:

First, he downplayed their abhorrent actions over the last week:

There’s a lot of British working class lads out, you know, throwing stones and damaging things. They’re not far-right thugs. They’re just, you know, they probably had one too many.

Stones, petrol bombs, damaging things, assaulting people, what’s the difference? Short answer, very little, because the perpetrators were white, and the victims, Black and brown. In other words, not people to Anderson: “things”.

Then, Anderson denied Reform’s role in inciting the “unrest”, calling it “absolute nonsense”.

Except, a YouGov poll from the same day showed that it was of course Anderson who was chatting absolute bullshit. It found that over a third of Reform voters felt the riots are justified:

Translation: a third (over 1.3 million) of Reform voters are out and proud racists. Who would have guessed?

In fact, the polling showed the people supporting Anderson’s nasty party were exactly what you might expect. That is, a raging rabble of far-right nationalistic bigots frothing at the mouth for violence against minority Black and brown communities.

It didn’t get better from there either. First, a quick note on the YouGov poll. It fed the rightwing’s line that these are simply ‘protests’. Of course, we’ve seen establishment politicians and corporate media mouthpieces only too readily lap this up and parade this trash take around in the last week. As such, it drew a distinction between ‘peaceful protests’ and ‘riots’, asking respondents their opinions on these separately.

Here’s the thing though – nothing about the past week of this shithole Island’s race riots has been remotely peaceful. They’ve tried to burn refugees seeking asylum to death in hotels. Drawing up hit lists and hunting down Black and brown people is just a few lads getting too pissed though, right? To imply on any level that these have been ‘peaceful protests’ is to loan legitimacy to the racist, fascistic undercurrent running through the heart of the past week’s rampages.

We’re not doing it. Instead then, the Canary is going to take the answers without drawing this distinction. On this basis, eight in ten – over 80% – of Reform voters felt the events of the last week were justified.

What’s more, half of Reform’s goons thought that these disgusting lynch mobs are just ‘people with legitimate concerns’. Because, sit them down in a little healing circle with the prime minister and they can all bang on about sending Bangladeshi’s home together, am I right? Someone pass the talking brick.

And of course, gammons gonna gammon. The Farage fanclub breeds only true patriots, not monstrously racist roving bands of far-right domestic terrorists. At least, that’s what the YouGov poll showed Reform voters think. Over a quarter of Reform supporters said they’re ‘patriotic’, and only around a fifth agreed they’re in fact racist or far-right.

But no, nothing to see here.

Two-tier policing is suddenly a great idea

Anderson wants the public to think it’s just a handful of “British working class lads” gone astray after a few too many drinks down the pub (probably with their mate Nigey).

People on X weren’t buying it:

And don’t call them far-right thugs! Actually, I agree – let’s call them what they are – neo-Nazi scum:

If he has a problem with that too, Anderson can take it up with the ‘patriotic protesters’ making Nazi salutes and praising fascists with swastika tattoos. I hear it’s “pure British” body art in Anderson’s ‘right’ crowds these days.

If anything, the pogroms are the violent, visible face of the UK’s systemic racism and Islamophobia. People highlighted Anderson’s mind-blowingly blatant double standards. His comments on this, to his opinion on the cops stamping on a Muslim man’s head at Manchester airport provided the perfect case study in the pertinence of the “this you?” meme:

Because suddenly, two-tier policing is all the gormless gammon rage:

While we’re on the topic of two-tier political punditry, it was the prime example of the far right hate-propagator’s rank double standards:

Of course, it’s not the only channel engaging in this right-wing corporate media nepotism this week. I raise you, the GMB host Ed Balls- home secretary Yvette Cooper marital bliss-take.

Right-wing politics to gobshite gammon pipeline

30p Lee is the poster-boy for the rightwing Labour to Tory, to Farage cult pipeline:

Because when it comes down to it, there’s not really a fag paper between the nasty bully-boys of Reform, the Tory Bullingdon boys club, and Labour’s class traitor billionaire stooges – and it shows.

Take Starmer then. For his two cents – or 30p if you like, the gammon-baiting grifter veered so far to the right, it has been hard to make head nor tails of where Labour begin, and the Tory/Reform fash begin. Probably also because he’s so far up his own arse, we can’t make out a shred of decency or integrity among his migrant “crackdown”, “smash” the boats diatribes. Then there’s the Forde report, the party’s treatment of Abbott, Shaheen, and its Muslim voters. Need I go on?

Let’s not forget Labour hung Farage opponent and Black candidate Jovan Owusu-Nepaul out to dry just days before the election.

Reform race riots: maybe some milkshakes?

One poster on X had a helpful interpretation of Anderson’s gobshite:

May as well throw a few milkshakes over his racist, Islamophobic thick skull while you’re at it. They just GoT IN wItH ThE WrOnG CrOWd Lee:

If you’re a white “working class lad” then, Anderson will just sit down with you for a chat. But who in their right mind would actually want that?

Feature image via X – GB News

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