far-right protestors storm building for the right to rape

  • Post last modified:July 31, 2024
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Far-right Israelis have protested the arrest of IDF soldiers for the alleged gang rape and abuse of a Palestinian detainee. Protestors stormed Israel’s Sde Teiman detention facility, where Israeli police had arrested nine soldiers.

Israeli police took the soldiers to the Beit Lid military base, which also saw demonstrations. The protestors included reservist soldiers. But also far-right government minister Amichai Eliyahu and parliamentarian Zvi Sukkot of the Religious Zionist movement took part.

The Palestinian detainee was taken to hospital, where “his injuries included a ruptured intestine, severe injury to the anus and lungs, and broken ribs”, according to Israeli outelt Haaretz.

Israel soldiers: “warriors”

Israeli minister of economy Nir Barkat called the arrests a “despicable show trial” and the soldiers “brave warriors”.

Finance minister Bezalel Smotrich also called for the “heroic warriors” to be free.

The Israeli organisation Breaking the Silence had a different approach. It said the protests were “essentially issuing a full-throated endorsement of unimaginably brutal abuse of Palestinians”.

The organisation continued, stating Palestinian detainees face “indefinite restraints resulting in amputations; medical procedures with no anesthesia; sleep deprivation; brutal beatings; sexual torture”.

UN report on detention

A UN report, published on 31 July, found Israel arbitrarily held 3,377 Palestinian people by the end of June, without charge or trial. They are among 9,440 Israel categorised as “security detainees”. Of them, Israel called 1,415 “unlawful combatants”.

The UN reported Israel subjected detainees to torture, violence, sexual abuse, and ill-treatment, much of which was “systematic”.

Palestinian detainees told the UN of constant blindfolding and deprivation of food, sleep, water, and medical attention. They also spoke of “prolonged exposure to the cold, being forced to kneel on gravel, deliberate humiliation, blackmailing”. They further said Israeli guards burnt them with cigarettes.

The sexual abuse they faced included guards forcing “nudity of both men and women”. And guards then beating them while they’re naked, including on the genitals, as well as electrocuting them on the genitals and anus.

Featured image via The Telegraph – YouTube

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