far-right no-show as antifascists turn out in force

  • Post last modified:August 8, 2024
  • Reading time:18 mins read

It’s a good morning when you wake up to #FarRightFail trending high across the social media-sphere. Because, as it turned out, aside from a few flag-shagging far-right chumps, it was tumbleweed from the fascists. Instead, anti-fascists came together all over the country to stand outside the asylum support centres the race riot cranks purportedly planned to attack. When it came down to it, community solidarity won out above the hate.

Antifascists stand strong against the race riots

In Hackney, hundreds of people from the community gathered outside the Old Fire Station:

Brentford antifascists protesters chanted together against bigotry in huge crowds:

There were similar scenes across all the targeted sites around the country. Harrow’s antifascist turnout:





North Finchley:






In Walthamstow, thousands came out to stand up to fascist and racist violence:

Similarly, Brighton drew enormous crowds of antifascist demonstrators:

There were hundreds more in Oxford:

And Birmingham:

Far-right flop

Largely, the far-right were nowhere to be seen. Spotted, two ‘patriots’ sporting a flag in Southampton:

Three more Farage and Robinson fanboys in Finchley finding out their white supremacist ideologues had hung them out to dry:

Fancy a game of where’s the right-wing wallies?

Hint, here peek behind a barricade of cops:

While for the most part, the far-right showing was barely a handful of men with low melanin and likely even less brain cells between them, there was a small turnout in Aldershot:

There, white men and white Karens – mostly youth – milled about. Spearheading it was current UKIP interim leader Nick Tenconi:

As some people on X pointed out, he’s also the chief operations officer at right-wing think tank Turning Point UK:

However, their numbers paled in comparison to the thousands out standing up against their vile bigotry country-wide.

The fight isn’t over

Now, far-right goons across X are clamouring Wednesday’s planned race riots were ‘fake news’ all along. Because the mugs have never been duped and incited by fake news before. We’re old enough to remember the racist gammon hate brigade rampaging in Southport.

Many across Musk’s hell-site bandied about conspiracies like they were the lofty creeds of Elon’s long-lost deleted Tweets:

Of course, it was all false information from the left-wing plants in the media. This one yours lads?

Notably, Fox wasn’t out with the ‘millions’ of frothing fascist gammons. Because, when the chickens look like they’re coming home to roost, it’s time to do a Yaxley-Lennon and split:

However, there is a broader, more important issue here. The far-right’s ‘planned’ attacks on asylum support centres were a red herring. Even so, perhaps the point was always in the threat itself. Because while the far-right didn’t carry out these pogroms, for the last week they have been attacking Black, brown, Muslim, and migrant communities. The threat might not have been real – this time – but the fear it generated for these communities, is.

What’s more, the impact was real:

Some capitalist chain stores shutting up shop early is little issue. Independent businesses – especially multicultural working class-owned – being forced to close is. But that vital immigration services had to close their doors, is an appalling indictment of the far-right’s long shadow over the past week.

When Black and brown hospital staff have to watch their back, and GP surgeries close early for their safety, this racist shithole Island is not OK.

Last night showed that across the UK, anti-fascists filled with love and pride for their diverse communities are many, and the neo-Nazi racist scum are few. But so long as racist, Islamophobic domestic terrorists – because that’s what they are – feel emboldened to threaten and attack with impunity, the fight against the far-right is far from won:

And without dismantling the white supremacist rot at the heart of the political and media establishment – the institutional racism – Black and brown Britons and asylum seekers won’t be safe – and that’s not OK.

Feature image via Youtube/Bloomberg/Novara/the Canary

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