Far-right carnage in Southport was fomented by all politicians

  • Post last modified:July 31, 2024
  • Reading time:7 mins read

The alleged murderer who massacred three young children while seriously injuring 11 others as well as two adults was not a Muslim. Not that this fact should matter. Nor should the colour of the attacker’s skin. However, in the cesspit that is and always has been the UK, unfortunately it does – as Stella-laced, far-right apes rampaged through Southport on Tuesday 30 July – BeCaUsE tWiTtEr ToLd ThEm He WaS a MuSlAmIsT.

Of course, Keir Starmer’s Labour Party, Nigel Farage, and Tommy Robinson have all done their bit to get us to this point.

‘We were only there to light a fucking British candle’

Let’s be clear. The Canary has spoken to residents of Southport who confirmed the people fighting cops outside a mosque were mostly NOT from Southport. Their shrivelled dicks were bussed in by Patriotic Alternative and other groups – all encouraged by Tommy Robinson’s batshit X account.

Of course, the far-right were only in Southport to light candles and lay flowers. It was some “Arab” or “Asian” (they all look the same, y’know) guy with a “machete” – well, flick knife actually (they all look the same, y’know) – that PROVOKED the far-right to smash up the place.


Robinson’s mates must think we’re all as pig-shit thick as they are.

Reports from people at the actual vigil say the knife-carrying dude wasn’t near it, and that the far-right protest (which was not at the same location as the vigil) was pre-planned – and that’s where he turned up. Maybe if these guys drunk one less Strongbow a day they could get their stories straight?

Coke-frenzied bullshit fomenting the far-right Southport madness

Of course, the coke-frenzied mind bending that goes on in the fash’s brains is dizzying. Some of the shit takes on X include:

Cops retreated during the Leeds protests cause they were foreigners“. No, it was because the racist state was embroiled in child removal from a Roma family – and the community rightly sided with the family, not rancid social services. Plus, cops don’t care if a poor community smashes itself up. Why would they? In Southport, the fash parachuted themselves in with the sole intention of kicking off at a mosque with the world’s media watching – hence cops hit back.

Children are being murdered. None of us are feeling safe in our own country, in our own towns“. If the inference is that Muslims and ‘foreigners’ doing most of the murdering then official data doesn’t back this up – as it’s still white people killing other people the most, with Brown people being under-represented in terms of murder suspects. But that’s not really what’s being said here, is it? What’s being said is that anyone who isn’t white is a problem.

These shit takes were both from Stephen Yaxley-Lennon by the way – so yes, our attribution was correct. He, of course, wasn’t even in the country; fleeing to the continent because his latest grift has landed him in hot water with the law. We repeat: pig-shit thick.

Don’t just blame Robinson – blame Labour too

Meanwhile, in not unrelated news Keir Starmer took every leaf available from Tony Blair and Gordon Brown’s book and turned up at Southport to offer condolences. His appearance is not unrelated to Yaxley-Lennon’s fash-stirring – because the Labour Party holds some responsibility for Tuesday’s carnage as well.

Starmer, like every Labour leader in living memory except for Jeremy Corbyn, has done what all politicians do. When in trouble, they attack the left while veering to the right. Doing the opposite would undermine a system (the one that keeps politicians in their jobs) that relies on citizens blaming each other for its in-built inequalities. That is, the system relies on racism, classism, and hate to survive – because it is racist, classist, and hateful.

Labour has demonstrably swung to the right again in the past four years – using racism to in part win the election. The corporate media, inherently right-wing anyway, have lapped this up – therefore, the likes of Robinson have been emboldened. While most of the media still vilify him, it doesn’t actually treat his ideas with the same disdain.

Four million people voted for this

Similarly, while not every right-wing person would agree with everything Robinson says, the undercurrent of racism and prejudice is there among them.

Light-touch fascist Nigel Farage’s Reform got four million votes at the general election. Out of the woodwork he then crawls after the murders in Southport to foment thinly-veiled racism. Don’t try and tell us these people didn’t know what they were voting for.

‘I’m not racist, but…’ just doesn’t cut it any more. You could have argued that back in 2015, the 3.8 million people who voted for Farage’s UKIP did so because our political system had disenfranchised them. Therefore, the flag-shagging alternative seemed to offer something hopeful.

Fast-forward to 2024, and it just doesn’t wash. Four million people knew they were voting for far-right crankery and racism, probably because these are values they hold themselves – and the carnage in Southport is now in their names too:


Perilous times

The far-right rampage in Southport won’t be the last incident like this. Overall, Starmer’s Labour has not merely enabled this. It has actively encouraged it, so it didn’t have to swing to the left and, y’know, actually improve people’s lives.

Meanwhile, the actual left has become disjointed and quite frankly all over the place. A united front from them doesn’t seem on the horizon anytime soon.

People believe the likes of Robinson and Farage – the result being Southport. But perhaps as worryingly, people believe Starmer too. Yet none of these men really care about the people they claim to represent – in the same way the pot bellied goons on their coke-addled rampage in Southport didn’t care about murdered kids.

We live in perilous times.

Featured image via the Canary

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