election predictions, Israel horror, and Corbyn

  • Post last modified:June 22, 2024
  • Reading time:5 mins read

The Canary is excited to share the latest edition of our letters page. This is where we publish people’s responses to the news and politics, or anything else they want to get off their chest. We’ve now opened the letters page up so anyone can submit a contribution. As always, if you’d like to subscribe to the Canary – starting from £2 a month – to support truly radical and independent media, then you can do that here:

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This week’s letters

This week we have readers thoughts on the potential general election aftermath, the Canary and Steve Topple being Tory enablers, Israel’s crimes in Gaza, and the now-infamous ‘2nd EU referendum’ under Corbyn. 

Could the Tories be placed 3rd in the election?

Worrying times ahead for democracy, if Tories are placed 3rd in the election will we see another Oswald Moseley type figure as the opposition leader, Farage was the instigating force behind leaving the EU which has now been widely seen as a dubious move if not just plain stupidity by many, will Farage then have a platform to be more racist.

Remember Moseley is widely seen as a fascist but he came very close to defeating Neville Chamberlain as Prime Minister, if he had then we would all be speaking German, we must be aware of the danger of the similarities of Oswald Moseley and Nigel Farage especially in an opposition party.

David, via email

Topple! Stop enabling the Tories!

Sorry, but the Canary and especially Topple are determined to make the Labour leader the bogeyman in the attic in practically every article they publish.

You may want another Tory victory – we don’t. Starmer isn’t perfect, who is? However, that he is the monstrous, Machiavellian character you make him out to be is very doubtful. How about giving us some of the endless stream of dirt emanating from the Tory party under Sunak for a change. Like he wasn’t positioning himself for the top job while Johnson was bumbling through his premiership.

Do I want to take out a subscription with you? Going by current form, no I don’t.


Anonymous, via email

ED: we have, of course, been criticising the Tories – here – but given the media is currently allowing Labour a fairly free pass, at least one outlet needs to hold their feet to the fire, and that outlet is us. 

The horror of Israel

LEBENSRAUM is a German word, literally meaning ‘living space’. In the 20th century, it acquired political connections, culminating in the Nazi interpretation – extreme racism, the claiming of neighbouring lands, genocide of peoples considered inferior to the ‘Aryan race’, especially, but not exclusively, Jewish people.

Only the wilfully blind cannot see the mirror image in this century of Israel’s version of Lebensraum – the stealing of land, the dismissal of the Palestinians as an inferior race, the genocide of an entire people, the emphasis on the killing of women and children in an attempt to wipe out not just this generation of Palestinians but the next too.

Israeli interrogators are as cruel as the Gestapo. The full horror of the Nazi death camps was not seen until after the war. Thanks to modern technology, we can see the crimes of Israel happening before our eyes, if we avoid the mainstream media.

Yet people are powerless to help the Palestinians, in the face of US power. There are more child amputees in the tiny part of the world called Gaza than in the entire rest of the world.

Brian, via email

Oh, Corbyn

As an 85-year-old ex-member of the Labour Party I am 110% certain that the main reason for Johnson`s landslide victory in 2019 was as a result of the Starmer engineered campaign to hold a 2nd EU Referendum .

The sole reason for this campaign was that Corbyn had come within a whisper of defeating the lady PM at that time!

I believe as did many of the anti-Corbyn Labour brigade e.g. Starmer, Hansen, and the majority of the right-wing members of the Labour Party that in the ensuing General Election of 2019 Corbyn would win and the UK would have a socialist prime minister!

Sadly Corbyn in his naivety believed that Starmer and his lynch mob were supportive of his campaign.

I spoke with David Hansen on several occasions solely to express my certainty that the 2nd referendum campaign was entirely toxic from a Labour point of view.

Hansen of course begged to differ!

Kind regards.

David Coleman

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