DWP chaos as Jobcentres face staff strikes: are you affected?

  • Post last modified:July 1, 2024
  • Reading time:11 mins read

On Monday 1 June 1,400 security guards working in DWP Jobcentres have walked out in a week of industrial action. They are demanding fair pay from G4S – a British multinational private security company – who currently hold the contract to run security at Jobcentres across the country:

According to GMB, research shows that 80% of security guards regularly suffer abuse. For example, DWP claimants have attacked them with dogs, punched them, and attacked them with screwdrivers. In total, G4S now pay 90% of their guards slightly above the minimum wage.

Interestingly, the amount the DWP paid G4S is £211m, but employment costs are far less that that, at £161m. This suggests that G4S are taking a hefty £50m profit.

DWP: systematic abuse

Anyone paying attention knows about the DWP’s failings. The public body systemically abuses the people it’s supposed to support. Clearly, G4S are propping this system up. Yet people still question why the guards are getting abused. It doesn’t take a PhD to work that one out:

Let’s face it, ‘essential security staff’ should not be a part of job centres. The DWP should be creating safe spaces which actually serve vulnerable people.

We can prevent violence

Fear breeds violence.

When the system traps anyone in poverty they become stuck in a fight or flight response. Therefore, the part of your brain which is responsible for making good decisions becomes underactive.

In practice, this means that the DWP could singlehandedly reduce the amount of violence seen in Jobcentres by paying people enough to actually survive on and pay bills, and by creating a system that doesn’t consist of endless hoop jumping. Having to prove you are worthy of being able to afford to eat is inhumane, and only serves the people profiteering from the broken system.

People would be far less likely to become violent if they felt safe. That safety clearly doesn’t come from being afraid of having your payments stopped –  which is what millions of people are facing:

Vulnerable people left to suffer

As a result of G4S security staff going on strike, vulnerable people who are claiming benefits are unable to access Jobcentres. This puts them at even greater risk with the DWP’s callous policies:

The more important question should be, why do Jobcentre’s need security guards in the first place? Unfortunately, the answer is simple. The DWP backed up by the Conservative government has created a system which is entirely unfit for purpose.

It goes without saying, G4S need to pay their security guards a liveable wage – just like anyone else. Especially when the job puts them at risk. However, imagine if the DWP invested that £211m into creating a system that actually helps people instead of one which dehumanises people even further.

Let’s hope G4S and the DWP have a back up plan. Because come Friday, there is going to be a hell of a lot of Tory MP’s queuing up at the Jobcentre.

Feature image via Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)/Youtube

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