DWP benefits smeared as ‘handouts’ by BBC presenter

  • Post last modified:July 2, 2024
  • Reading time:11 mins read

Just days before the general election, the BBC has demonised DWP benefits claimants. Martin Geissler, correspondent for BBC Scotland, labelled benefits as “handouts” during this weekends Sunday Show:

Geissler said:

Shouldn’t your focus more be on improving people’s life chances generally than giving them handouts?

DWP benefits are ‘handouts’

People online were quick to point out the similarities between the language Geissler used, and right-ring rhetoric. Quite frankly, it sounds like a line from the Tory hymn sheet. We wonder what bright ideas this guy has for improving people’s lives?

Scotland is the only place in the UK that provides the Scottish Child Payment – which helps low-income families with children under 16. Westminster should be paying attention to their Scottish colleagues – because it’s working. Scotland has the lowest child poverty rates in the UK so this is clearly how you do anti-poverty at scale:

Moreover, unlike in England and Wales there is no ridiculous two-child benefit cap. Modelling shows that this alone could reduce child poverty by 5%:

Look who’s talking

This is the not the first time we have seen broadcasters, journalists or even politicians demonising DWP benefits claimants. Let’s face it – the line between our corporate media and our politicians is constantly becoming even more blurry. No doubt they’re bashing benefits while they’re evading taxes or claiming hefty expenses.

As the Canary reported, Keir Starmer recently condemned DWP benefits claimants. He said in a Telegraph column they were “handouts from the state” and that they lack “dignity”.

As always though, Starmer’s actions speak louder than his words – and his words are saying ‘hypocrite’.

Of course, Starmer claimed huge amounts in expenses which he was Director of Public Prosecutions. He racked up close to £50 000 a year. That is a hell of a lot more than anyone claiming state benefits will see in their lifetime and let’s be honest – they’ll never see the inside of a business class lounge. As the kids would say, look who’s talking.

As some people on X pointed out, Geissler is probably earning a crazy amount of money yet seemingly completely out of touch with normal people:

Ignoring the actual problems

Whilst BBC presenters are also taking home the big bucks, latest figures show that 38% of people on DWP benefits in the UK are doing so because their work doesn’t pay them a liveable wage. The people at the top taking all this cash and probably not even working that hard are the same people demonising poor people.

They are clearly okay with money for nothing – just not for the people who aren’t privileged. Rich capitalists are exploiting their workers and squeezing money out of them, while paying these employees less than a living wage:

The BBC regurgitating rightwing DWP benefit scrounger narratives is nothing new unfortunately. However, it quickly needs to become a thing of the past if we want to see any real progress towards a fair and just society.

Politicians, BBC execs, and broadcasters currently pocket huge amounts of money – lets face it – far more than a regular person could ever use. Yet working-class people are demonised because their jobs don’t pay enough for them to survive. This should tell you we have something seriously fucking wrong with the society we live in.

Feature image via Freedom For Scotland/YouTube and the Canary

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