DWP benefit fraud is the next Post Office scandal waiting to happen

  • Post last modified:October 21, 2024
  • Reading time:7 mins read

The Labour government’s latest plans at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is a Post Office scandal-scale disaster waiting to happen. Specifically, the department – with a rapsheet of failures to its name – now wants to not only snoop on benefit claimant bank accounts, but snatch money straight from them. It’s over DWP benefit fraud. Merchant of death and demonising rhetoric Liz Kendall was hinting at all this in the Telegraph – but obviously hasn’t put the wheels in motion on it – at least not yet.

However, it would be completely in character with this callous continuity Conservative government.

DWP benefit fraud: another dangerous idea

Of course, anyone who knows the DWP, knows what a catastrophically horrendous idea this is. That’s not least because the department hasn’t exactly got a track record of getting things right:

Take housing benefit claimants for instance. It was only in June that campaign group Big Brother Watch exposed how the DWP had wrongfully forced 200,000 housing benefit claimants through fraud investigations.

What’s more, as the Canary has repeatedly pointed out – benefit fraud is a fiction – fabricated by successive austerity-obsessed governments and fanned by right-wing corporate media shills to scapegoat marginalised communities.

The Telegraph was getting in on the punching down action, with it’s little puerile ‘gotcha’ moment that isn’t. Fraud has soared (soared they tell you) during the pandemic to, wait for it, a whole 4%. Except, it really hasn’t anyway. For one, that includes its own errors too. YES, it lumps its OWN mistakes in these statistics.

Furthermore, the Canary’s Steve Topple has spelled out the nonsense that is the DWP’s categorisation of benefit fraud before. Specifically, he’s underscored how much of it is based on “assumptions and guesswork”. It includes people who have forgone their benefit, rather than engage with benefit reviews for example. We can’t possibly think of another reason people would choose not to deal with the DWP than to commit fraud. Nothing to do with its degrading, punitive, and inaccessible processes at all.

So even if we’re to take the fraud stats in isolation – a sizeable chunk of that isn’t actually fraud at all. Then, let’s talk Personal Independence Payment (PIP). Fraud rates were so infinitesmally small last year, the DWP literally rounded it down to zero. Zilch. Nada.

When things go wrong…

Naturally, none of these facts will stop the Labour government and Liz Kendall from ploughing ahead with this despicable DWP benefit fraud plan.

However, as ever, it’ll be chronically ill, disabled, poor, and other oppressed communities at the sharp end of this:

Some raised the fact that the DWP draining people’s bank accounts could leave people out of pocket. Crucially, this will be people already living in poverty thanks to the paltry support the DWP has provided anyway:

Of course, it’s not all that different from the way the DWP has conducted disgraceful benefit deductions. That is, the DWP has long been raiding benefit claimant bank accounts on behalf of utility companies and landlords.

So now, Labour look to be gearing up to roll out yet another scheme that could so very easily go tits up. Obviously, it’s a terrifying prospect.

This is especially so when we also know it has a penchant for demonising disabled people as fraudsters. And most significantly, its blame and shame culture is invariably denying, removing, and accusing them of fraud –  completely wrongly.

The fear over DWP benefit fraud is the point

But of course, the fear is part of the point. It’s all wrapped up with a nice little bow in its back to work coercion agenda more broadly. In other words, it doesn’t want people to claim in the first place – and acting as a deterrent is what the DWP does best. Naturally, it’s all to save the government money it prefers to funnel off to the private sector.

However, its new fraud pet project could cost many claimants their lives – and Labour knows it. After all, the fear the DWP instils already has actively made claimants physical and mental health worse:

It’s a fucked up welfare system when it’s more focused on a cracking down on miniscule rates of fraud than providing people the support they need to live. Unfortunately, so far, that’s been Labour and Liz Kendall’s approach to DWP benefit fraud writ large. This would be the next Post Office scandal were it not for one appalling fact – the DWP’s “systemic violations” of people’s human rights pretty much already is.

Featured image via the Canary

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