Daily Mail SHOCKS Kate Garraway with Labour Party revelation

  • Post last modified:August 19, 2024
  • Reading time:9 mins read

As usual, the Daily Mail is frothing at the mouth because they discovered that trade unions are funding the Labour Party. What a revelation.

Kate Garraway announced it on Good Morning Britain as if she’d just personally solved the climate crisis:

From the ground up

Where does the right-wing media think the ‘Labour’ Party came from? Rich upper-class people who just wanted to kill some time? The Labour Party was founded by trade unions. Obviously they wouldn’t understand the concept of putting in a hard-days work:

The Labour Party was formed in 1900 off the back of years of struggle by the working class, trade unionists, and socialists. Ultimately, they wanted to unite so that working-class voices would be represented in British parliament:

Whether the Labour Party still represents the voices of the working class is up for debate. However, it is comical that the right-wing press choose to pounce on it now when they ignored the literal corporate criminals funding the Tories for 14 years:

Daily Mail: deflecting from the real problems

Meanwhile, the corporate media continue to deflect on the real problems. For example – Israel funded a quarter of all MP’s in the last parliament, including one in three Tory MPs. The Daily Mail and Good Morning Britain seemed to gloss over that one:

Not to mention the number of Tory MPs profiting from businesses and foreign billionaires:

Concern for the country?

It is worth mentioning that the Daily Mail is owned by Jonathan Harmsworth, a British peer. Notably, he has a net worth of $1.30bn. His non-domicile tax status means he pays zero tax in the UK. Additionally, he owns all of his media businesses through offshore holdings and trusts. Sounding sketchy yet?

He claims his non-dom status is because his father (who is dead) resided in France. However, he has a stately home in Wiltshire and his status as a Freeman of the City of London makes that even more questionable.

So it goes without saying, the people who own the corporate media literally have their own agendas, profit, and ideas way out in front of any concern for the country:

Why the sudden ‘Daily Fail’ pandemonium over Labour union funding you might wonder? That would be the right-wing’s latest whataboutism over train drivers union ASLEF. It followed similar groundless outrage over Labour negotiating a pay deal with junior doctors on strike:

To the right-wing capitalist cronies, Labour is surrendering to the unions – while throwing pensioners under the bus with winter fuel payments. The second part is true of course, but it’s not because the new Labour government has been improving the lot of workers. As the Canary previously reported, the Labour junior doctors pay deal is a real-terms pay cut. It turns out, the same it true for train drivers.

Ultimately though, the Daily Mail is doing what the rightwing corporate shit-rags do best. Trying to seed division between marginalised communities.

In reality, Labour union funding is a red herring. The real problems in parliament come from the capitalist-funded establishment minions sitting pretty in Westminster. If the Daily Mail want to do some real journalism, we can point it in the right direction.

Feature image via Saul Staniworth – X 

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