Daily Mail incites Islamophobia over Leicester Square stabbing

  • Post last modified:August 14, 2024
  • Reading time:11 mins read

The Daily Mail has once again shown itself to be the racist shitrag it truly is. Only last week, right-wing thugs were carrying out race riots across England and the North of Ireland. Then, mere days later and the tabloid added even more fuel to the fire.

Daily Mail: inciting Islamophobia again

After a man stabbed a young girl in Leicester Square, the Daily Mail implied that the Muslim hero who tried to save the young girl being stabbed was in fact the attacker:

Abdullah, a 29-year-old security guard who works at the TWG Tea shop in Leicester Square tried to stop a man he saw stabbing an 11-year-old girl on Monday 12 August. The stabber, turned out to be 32 year old Ioan Pintaru from Romania. He was in fact a white man.

You have to wonder where are the far-right muppets when white men are stabbing children in the middle of London?

Whilst the headline seems to have now been deleted, the internet doesn’t forget. People on X were not about to let them get away with inciting racial hatred:

The Daily Mail knew exactly what it was doing: clickbait bullshit to appeal to their half-brained readers. Don’t ever want to form an intelligent thought? Read the Daily Mail. But not only is the headline and accompanying picture misleading, it is downright dangerous. In the wake of race riots, they are teeing up a Muslim man to be the target of racism and misguided anger:

It’s safe to say the Daily Mail has never been a legitimate news outlet, but a far-right propaganda spinning machine who only has the interests of the ultra-wealthy in mind:

Journalistic integrity

Misinformation and simple lazy journalism were huge factors that led to the recent far-right race riots. A series of tweets with false information in them – claiming the murderer was a Muslim immigrant – went viral. This is despite an official police statement saying he was born in Cardiff.

Channel 3 Now tweeted, wrongly suggesting that the attacker was an asylum seeker who arrived in the UK by boat last year.

This combination was part of the reason for the far-right targeting mosques, asylum housing and Muslim communities.

The Daily Mail didn’t technically print any false information. However, their headline paired with the picture of the hero security guard is as good as the same. People will no doubt read the headline and make their own conclusions:

Last week,  Andrew Pierce – Daily Mail columnist – appeared on Good Morning Britain. He heavily laid into Zarah Sultana for calling out his paper for building the far-right racist culture that led to the riots. He claimed she had no evidence for such a statement, but we’ve all seen the headlines:

Zarah Sultana – the only person on the panel who wasn’t white, unfortunately felt the full force of the lengths the media will go to so they can blame and scapegoat Black and brown people:

Meanwhile, Tory Boy Pierce as he calls himself continues to tweet about ‘stopping the boats’. This is a slogan which the far-right picked up and have been using at their riots:

So, the Daily Mail printed its hit job on hero Abdullah for one reason, and one reason only. To incite more hatred against Muslim and other minority communities in the UK. But, the festering cesspit of racism masquerading as a media outlet has absolutely nothing to do with the recent race riots, eh Pierce?

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