Corbyn urges action over Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza

  • Post last modified:May 10, 2024
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Former Labour leader and now independent MP Jeremy Corbyn has delivered a message on behalf of Stop the War Coalition. The group has been central to anti-war and violence protests in recent years – from Afghanistan to Gaza. Now, Corbyn and it want your support – at a time when Israel is continuing its genocide of Palestinian people, unabated.

Israel’s Gaza assault has now killed almost 35,000 people

Israel’s months-long assault on Gaza has now killed nearly 35,000 people, mostly women and children. All eyes have been on Rafah in recent weeks, where the population has swelled to around 1.5 million after Israel forced the majority of people in Gaza there, under the guise of safety.

Countries around the world, including key Israeli backer the US, have urged Israel not to extend its ground offensive into Rafah, citing fears of a large civilian toll.

Israel has ignored these requests.

Since Tuesday 7 May it has conducted military operations in parts of Rafah. Israel also seized control of a key border crossing into Egypt. This sparked condemnation from aid groups that rely on the crossing to send assistance into the territory.

So, in the UK protests over Israel’s blatant attempts at genocide have continued.

The UK: protests continue

From SOAS to Warwick to Leeds to Edinburgh, in recent weeks students have set up encampments at their universities, demanding that the institutions cut ties with Israel and divest from arms companies supplying weapons used in this genocide.

Just last week, Goldsmiths University students won their demands following months of protest and occupation. These included a review of its investment policy, increasing scholarships for Palestinian students, and renaming a lecture theatre after Shireen Abu Akleh, the Al Jazeera journalist shot dead by an Israeli soldier whilst reporting from the West Bank.

And on May Day, protesters from Workers For a Free Palestine shut down the Department of Business and Trade in London. It is in charge of arms export licences. Protesters demanded the department end arms sales to Israel. At the same time, protesters in Scotland, Wales, and the North East of England blockaded three BAE Systems sites in solidarity with Gaza.

What has also underscored Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza has also been weekly protests, organised in London and up and down the UK by Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Stop the War Coalition has also been central to these. And now, Corbyn has a message on the group’s behalf.

Corbyn has a message from Stop The War Coalition

Corbyn said:

We founded Stop the War because we were appalled by the invasion of Afghanistan that was being planned by the US and Britain… we opposed the Iraq war and we’ve become a very important force and voice in our community for peace…

Now, working very closely with Palestine Solidarity [Campaign] and many other organisations, to help to organise massive demonstrations, which have changed public opinion, which have changed many things and perceptions about Palestine.

We need an effective coalition which is what the Stop the War Coalition is.

So, if you’re not a supporter, become one. If you’re not a member, join.


Stop the War Coalition said in a statement:

Our campaigning has reached unprecedented levels since the assault on Gaza began in October 2023. We have been a central part of national, regional and local demonstrations, we have organised scores of meetings and rallies and new groups have sprung up all over the country.

You can join Stop the War Coalition here.

Featured image via Novara Media – YouTube

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